Internal Quality Assurance Unit


The Internal Quality Assurance Unit (hereinafter KSU), is a structure responsible for drafting policies and procedures for internal quality assurance, implementation and continuous improvement of the quality system in the RWC, based on state quality standards and European standards and guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area.

The Quality Network consists of the Internal Quality Assurance Unit, as a separate structure parallel to the Curriculum office, set up at the RWC Rectorate, with quality representatives in each main unit.

The structure of the IQAU

The Internal Quality Assurance Unit is a collegial body. It consists of 5 (five) members, of which 3 (three) are representatives of the academic staff of the main unit, 1 (one) representative of the Student Council and 1 (one) external expert. Members are specially elected by the Academic Senate for a 4-year term with the possibility of re-election.

Msc. Seljana LEKAJ – President of NJSBC.
Msc. Arnold SINANAJ – member
Msc. Egi BITRAJ – member
Klara HITAJ – member / student
Arqile MISHTAKU – external member / expert.
Competencies of NJSBC

In addition to the tasks provided in the Statute, the IQAU also has the following competencies:

Enhances the Quality Assurance profile by cultivating a quality culture in RWC.
Ensures the periodic and annual continuity of the Quality Assurance program;
Facilitates the collection of information on Quality Assurance reports;
Facilitates feedback and guidelines for review and report compilers;
Facilitates and encourages staff in the teaching and assessment process;
Administers statistical data in order to maintain and improve quality;
Takes responsibility for any additional Quality Assurance processes, such as periodic reviews, etc .;
Takes the lead in the preparation of documents for external purposes such as: accreditation, cooperation of RWC with relevant organizations and institutions;
Provides the rector with a report on quality assurance;
Assists deans and faculties in the development and implementation of procedures for verification and quality improvement;
Rules for internal quality assessment

The IUBC should plan the organization of internal quality evaluation of study programs and institutional internal evaluation.
To achieve this, an internal evaluation group should be set up, with the participation of a representative from student organizations.
If necessary, an external expert representative with extensive academic experience is invited. The internal evaluation team has operational autonomy and access to all data of the institution.
Internal evaluation must be performed in accordance with the relevant ASCAL guidelines. The conclusions of the internal evaluation should be based on statistical analysis of data, findings from the registers, surveys, questionnaires and interviews organized with academic staff, non-academic staff and students.
WHEN it should publish the results of the evaluation conducted online.
NJSBC in cooperation with ASCAL should organize training of members of the assessment team. For the members of the evaluation team, the unit must take measures to ensure suitable conditions for the realization of this task.
RWC should be responsible for providing the necessary financial resources to cover all activities of the internal evaluation process.
NJSBC should maintain constant links with ASCAL in conducting internal quality assessment and external evaluation.