Goals and objectives

  1. Teaching:
  • Development of the curriculum according to the requirements of the Bologna Declaration and the Ministry of Education guidelines.
  • Orienting the learning programmes toward the homologue western institutions
  • Qualification of the academic staff through the post university specializations and acquiring the scientific titles and grades
  • The improvement of the didactic materials in the service of teaching
  • Development of the laboratory basis on the contemporary levels of teaching
  • The continuous use of the new teaching methods
  • Attracting the best students for the degrees of the medical, economical and humane sciences
  • Including the students in the decision making process in order to achieve the above mentioned objectives
  1. Scientific research:
  • Participation in the research projects initiated by MOE and EU.
  • Integration in research and scientific projects with local and foreign partners
  • Creating an experimental basis for the scientific research.


The mission

The mission of or institution is to be one of the most important institutions in Albania for graduating and training the higher education specialists in the areas of medical sciences, human and economical, scientific research and coordination of the efforts to improve, and coordinate the technical, professional and legal components of the Albanian job market.