(Approved by Order no. 147, dated 31.03.2017 of the Minister of Education and Sports)
TIRANA, 2016
Article 1
REALD University College
1. University College “REALD” is a Non-Public Institution of Higher Education, with academic and scientific character.
2. University College “REALD” is a legal entity, independent and secular.
3. University College “REALD” has its own academic and administrative structure, approved by the governing bodies and the Ministry responsible for education, in accordance with applicable law.
4. The Statute of the University College “REALD” is the basic document of the activity of the College. The statute is approved by the Academic Senate with the votes of 2/3 of the total number of its members.
5. University College “REALD” operates based on law no. 80/2015 “On Education
Higher Education and Scientific Research in Higher Education Institutions in the Republic of
Albania “, bylaws in implementation of it and this Statute.
6. University College “REALD” is a private legal entity, recognized by the Albanian Civil and Commercial Legislation, registered in the National Business Center on 29.5.2009, with NIPT K86607207N.
7. University College “REALD” develops its activity within the system
non-public university and self-regulates relations in order to meet its objectives.
Article 2
Autonomy of the University College “REALD”
University College “REALD” enjoys academic freedom, financial, organizational autonomy and staff selection in accordance with applicable law.
l. Academic freedom is guaranteed through the right:
a) To organize teaching activities, those of scientific research as well as creative activities;
b) To design and develop study programs and to determine
fields of scientific research;
c) To organize the process of promotion of academic staff.
d) To establish cooperation links with analogous universities and faculties inside and outside the country.
e) To periodically publish the scientific bulletin of the College.
2. Financial autonomy is guaranteed through the right:
a) To create legal income from the teaching activity, from scientific-research activities, from services, etc .;
b) To obtain funding from the state and other organizations;
c) To set internal rules for financing and use of revenues;