Faculty of Medical Sciences

Faculty of Medical Sciences

Dean of the Faculty of Medical Sciences: Prof. As. Dr. Sotir VANGELI

The Faculty of Medical Sciences was established by Decision of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Albania, Nr. 650, on 14.09.2011, as one of the main units of the Academy of Applied Studies “Reald”, today the University College “Reald”. In the beginning it had three departments: Nursing, Dentistry and Pharmacy.

Today the Faculty of Medical Sciences has three departments:

  1. Department of Medical Technical Sciences. This department issues degrees in:

a. First cycle study programs:

– “Bachelor” in “General Nursing”.

– “Bachelor” in “Medical Laboratory Technician”.

– “Bachelor” in “Physiotherapy”.

b. Second cycle study programs:

– “Professional Master” in “Physiotherapy”.

– “Professional Masters” in “Nursing Management”.


  1. Department of Dentistry. This department issues degrees in:

–    Integrated second cycle study program “Master of Science” in “Dentistry and Dental Prosthesis”.

–   Dental Assistant Professional Program (2-year).


  1. Department of Pharmacy.

This department issues degrees in the integrated program of the second cycle of study “Master of Science” in “Pharmacy”.

Currently, the Faculty of Medical Sciences operates on the basis of new curricula, in line with Western school programs and based on the market needs of the Southern Region.