Adopted by the decision of the Academic Senate nr __________dated,  2016  



(Approved by Order no. 147, dated 31.03.2017,  Ministry of Education and Sports)















TIRANA, 2016
















Article 1

“REALD” University College



1.”REALD” University College is a non-public Higher Education Institution of academic and scientific character.

  1. “REALD” University College is a legal entity, independent and secular.
  2. “REALD” University College has its own academic and administrative structure, approved by the governing bodies and the Ministry responsible for higher education, in accordance with applicable legislation.
  3. The Statute of “REALD” University College is the basic document of the College’s activity. The statute is approved by the Academic Senate by a vote of two thirds of the total number of its members.
  4. “REALD” University College operates according to law no. 80 2015 “On Higher Education and Scientific Research in Higher Education Institutions in the Republic of Albania”, and sub legal acts in its implementation.
  5. “REALD” University College is a private legal entity, recognized by the Albanian Civil and Commercial Legislation, registered with the National Business Center on 29.5.2009, with NIPT K86607207N.
  6. “REALD” University College operates within the non-public university system and self-regulates relationships in order to meet its objectives.





Article 2

Autonomy of “REALD” University College


“Reald” University College enjoys academic freedom, autonomy, financial, organizational and personnel selection in accordance with applicable legislation.


  1. Academic freedom is guaranteed through the right:
  2. a) To organize teaching, research and creative activities;
  3. b) To design and develop study programs and to define areas of scientific research;
  4. c) To organize the process of promoting the academic staff.
  5. d) To establish cooperation and agreement with universities and analogue faculties abroad.
  6. e) To periodically publish scientific bulletin of the College.


  1. Financial autonomy is guaranteed by the right:
  2. a) To generate legitimate income from teaching, research, services, etc.;
  3. b) To receive funding from the state and other organizations;
  4. c) To establish internal rules for the financing and use of income;
  5. d) To determine study fees;

(e) To administer the movable and immovable property at its disposal for the purpose of carrying out its mission;

  1. f) To benefit financial resources related to the scope of activities of “Reald” University College from donors and other legal bodies;
  2. g) To determine the inner rules of financing, distribution and use of revenues, according to the activity and needs of the institution;


  1. The organizational autonomy and selection of personnel is guaranteed through the right:
  2. a) To self-govern, to select the governing bodies, to organize structures and regulate the ways of exercising their activity through internal acts (the Statute and Regulation of the College), drafted in accordance with the Law and other legal acts in power;
  3. b) To determine the criteria for students’ admission to study programs in accordance with the Law and other applicable laws and regulations;
  4. c) To conclude agreements with legal entities, public and private entities, domestic or foreign, for teaching, research, qualification, innovative activities, as well as other legal activities,
  5. d) To independently set the staff,staff salaries, criteria and procedures for the selection in accordance with the form of the institution and legislation in power.


  1. The activity of the “REALD” University College shall be conducted in accordance with the rules and principles of the European Higher Education Area.
  2. The State guarantees the inviolability of University College “Reald” and its territory.
  3. Intervention of public order bodies in academic settings shall be at the request or permission of the Chairman of the University College “Reald”. In case of a flagrant offense, in cases of natural disasters and emergency situations, law enforcement bodies have the right to intervene without the permission of the Chairman.


Article 3

The name, the seal and headquarters


The Institution of Higher Education will be known as University College “Reald”. The institution has its own distinguishing emblem which consists of a crown of a King, a book, an image of the sea and respective writings. The emblem is attached to this Statute as Annex I and is an integral part of it. The institution headquarters are located in the city of “Vlora” the area “24May “, “Zahir Pajaziti” street, near the train station.


Article 4

The goal and the mission of “Reald” University College


4.1 University College “REALD” aims to:

  1. a) To create, develop, convey and defend knowledge through teaching and research,
  2. b) To establish senior specialists in accordance with the teaching areas approved by the MES;
  3. c) To contribute to economic, social and cultural development at national and regional level, as well as to strengthening public and national security;
  4. d) Develop teaching and research programs in line with the country’s development priorities and interests;
  5. e) To contribute to international cooperation in the approved fields of higher education.


4.2 The mission of the “Reald” University College includes:


  1. a) Provision of higher education and creative activity in the field of science Economic and medicine.
  2. b) Development and protection of knowledge through teaching and academic activity carried out at home and abroad;
  3. c) Training of young researchers in theoretical areas of Finance, Management, Nursing, Physiotherapy, Pharmacy and Dentistry.
  4. d) Improvement of professional and scientific qualification of senior specialist in the field of Professional Master in Nursing Management.
  5. e) Conducting scientific research in accordance with the priorities and interests of the country’s development;
  6. f) To provide an opportunity to take advantage of higher education and lifelong learning;
  7. g) To contribute in supporting strategic priorities and development according to the interes of the country;
  8. h) To contribute to international cooperation in the approved fields of higher education.


In order to fulfill the mission of the College in this Statute it sanctions the principles of its functioning, structure, governing bodies and governing authorities with their powers, organizing teaching, scientific , financial and administrative work , student admission and graduation procedures , proper recruitment of academic and administrative staff with their obligations and rights, as well as the rights and obligations of students.



Article 5

College Obligations


Having enjoyed academic freedom and autonomy, according to the Law, the College is committed to fulfil all obligations arising from the law, bylaws and all the legitimate actors from all legitimate relationships. More specifically, it is obliged to fulfil, but not limited to the following obligations:

  1. a) To develop the educational process and scientific-research activities in opened programs in order to prepare high level specialists in the contemporary requirements of the respective fields;
  2. b) To afford his own expense, the learning process and scientific research ensuring a high level of professional and institutional preparation of students;
  3. c) To perform within deadlines the accreditation process in cooperation with ASCAL, which must become known to the public;
  4. d) To submit to the Ministry of Education:
  5. I) Report of teaching activity at each end of the academic year;
  6. II) Notification of research activity at any end of the calendar year;

III) List of academic staff at the beginning of each academic year and each semester.

  1. e) Make public the admission criteria for all study programs and cycles.
  2. f) Performs the internal evaluation process in accordance with the deadlines set and the accreditation by the MES by cooperating with it, while the decision is made known to the public by the relevant external evaluation agency.




Article 6

Assets in the ownership and inviolability of College


  1. College conducts its operations in the made available from the company Eskeld C.O.
  2. All areas of the College, enjoy inviolability in the sense of the law. University College premises are not allowed to be touched or affected by third parties. Inviolability includes not interfering with them or using them by any other natural or legal person.
  3. For any violation of inviolability, the College shall have the right to denounce the violation and seek the punishment of the offender in accordance with the applicable legal provisions.



Article 7

The staff of college and the structural components


The staff of “Reald” University College, the constituent units thereof, which expresses the relationships and dependencies between them is approved by the Academic Senate and the Board of Administration.


Structural and organizational structure of the University College “Reald” is comprised of:

  1. a) The academic part which is comprises by leading academic bodies and authorities, the main units (Faculties), basic units (departments) and centers for scientific research.
  2. b) The administrative part, which is comprised by managing authorities and administrative bodies and the service units.


The structural organization of the University College “Reald” is defined in the attachment no. 2, and is part of the statute.







Article 8

Authorities, leaders and other bodies 


  1. In the College the governing bodies are:
  2. a) Academic Senate,
  3. b) Rectorate,
  4. c) Dean’s office;
  5. d) Assembly of academic staff;
  6. e) Council of Ethics;
  7. f) Standing Committee on Academic Management
  8. g) Standing Commission on Security of Quality
  9. h) Faculty Council
  10. i) Unit for the Internal QualitySecurity
  11. j) Board of Administration


  1. In the College the leading authorities are:
    • The Rector
    • The Dean
    • The head of the Department
    • Vice-Rector and Vice-Dean
    • The Administrator of the College
    • The Administrator of the Main Unit


Section l



Article 9

The Academic Senate


1) The Academic Senate is a decision-making collegial body of the University College ” REALD “, which determines the institution’s development policies, schedules, coordinates, directs and controls teaching and research activities and evaluates their effectiveness. The academic senate is chaired by the rector and meets periodically.

2) The main functions of the academic senate are:

  1. a) Guarantees the autonomy of the Institution, academic freedom, and the rights of students;
  2. b) Proposes the strategic plan of the institution to the Management Board and approves the annual program of its activities;
  3. c) Approves the Statute of the institution, after obtaining the prior approval of the Board of Administration. Statute approved is sent at the responsible ministry for final approval by the Minister of Education;
  4. d) Approval of the academic institution’s structure, as required by law, after getting prior consent of the Board of Administration.
  5. e) Adopts the regulations of the institution, the regulations of its constituent units, the regulations of study programs and the regulations and other acts that are the responsibility of the Senate;
  6. f) Approves the Curriculum of the new study programs, research scientist or changes in these Curricula and their final version.It also approves the admission criteria for each study program and the admission quotas for these programs.
  7. g) Proposes the closure and reorganization of the institution as well as the collaboration with another Higher Education Institution, after receiving the opinion of the Board of Administration;
  8. h) Approves opening, reorganization or closure of the main or basic  unit, on the basis of the proposals of the main units and base units, taking preliminary assessment to the Board of Administration;
  9. i) Approves the amendment of the statute, name or seal of the Institution, in accordance with the provisions of applicable laws and bylaws.
  10. j) Approves the annual plan of academic and research activities;
  11. k) Approves the detailed annual report of the institution’s activity, compiled by the rector, and forwards it to the Ministry of Education.
  12. l) Evaluates and guarantees the quality assurance at the institution. The members of this unit are approved by the Senate on the proposal of the Rector;
  13. m) At the end of each academic year, it organizes a joint meeting of the Academic Senate with the Board of Administration, which discusses the teaching, research and financial and administrative activity of the institution.


Article 10

Composition of the Academic Senate


  1. Members of the Academic Senate are elected directly of assembly of the academic staff, part and full time of the main unit, in accordance with the law and according to the procedures set out in the Electoral Regulation of the “Reald” University College.
  2. The College Academic Senate is composed of 7 (seven) Members of the Academic Senate , for election purposes, are divided as follows:
    • the Rector of “ REALD ” University College.
    • 3 (three) representatives of the Faculty of Medicine Sciences.
    • 2 (two) representatives of the Faculty of Economy.
    • One representatives of the students
  3. Senate members have a degree of the category “Professor” or “Doctor” (“PHD”) obtained at universities of OECD or EU member states in the absence of governing authorities under this title and for the purpose of representation , their category can be relegated to the rank of “Doctor” and “MSC”, except the representatives of the students.



Article 11

The mandate of the Academic Senate and its members


  1. The Academic Senate has a four-year term as a collegial body.
  2. The term of office of a member of the Academic Senate starts from the moment of election and lasts until the end of the term of the Academic Senate.
  3. The term of office of a member of the academic senate shall be deemed terminated prematurely in cases where the member:
  4. a) Resigns as a member of the academic senate;
  5. b) Ends the relationships in working with University College “Reald” or ends / terminates studies at the University College “Reald”;
  6. c) Loose their life ;
  7. d) Does not attend more than half of the meetings held during an academic year;
  8. e) Are convicted of a criminal offense by a final court decision;
  9. The Academic Senate ascertains the vacancy created by a declaratory decision.
  10. The vacancy created by the premature termination of the term of a member of the Academic Senate shall be filled by another person elected by the same group of members of the REALD University College.
  11. Elections to fill the vacancy in the Academic Senate shall be held within 6 months of the date of the vacancy decision.


Article 12

First meeting of the academic senate


  1. At its first meeting, the academic senate is convened by the Rector of the “REALD” University College.
  2. At this meeting, the Vice President of the Academic Senate is elected from the members. The election of the Vice President shall also take place in the event of the expiry of the term of office of the elected Vice President, or when the Vice President resigns.
  3. The Vice President is nominated by the President of the Academic Senate and is elected by a simple majority of the members of the Academic Senate.
  4. In its first meeting, the Academic Senate approves the Rector’s proposals for the position of Vice- Rector of “REALD” University College.
  5. At its first meeting, the Academic Senate proposes the following standing committees:
  6. Standing Committee on Academic Management;
  7. Standing Commission on Quality Assurance.
  8. Academic Senate has the right to develop other commissions required by respective laws.
  9. Composition, rights, duties and functioning of the standing committees shall be determined by the academic senate in the regulation of the permanent commissions.
  10. Academic Senate forms the Ethics Council, in accordance with the provisions specified in this Statute, and Regulation of the Council of Ethics.



Article 13

Validity of the meeting of the Academic Senate


  1. As a rule, the Academic Senate meets at least once a month. The Academic Senate may adopt additional rules, which may determine the meeting on the same date and time, each month.
  2. The meeting of the Academic Senate is called by:
  3. Rector (President of the Senate);
  4. By members of the academic senate who make up at least ¼ of the total number of members.
  5. The meeting is convened by written notice of the agenda at least 7 days before the date set for the meeting. Along with the announcement of the agenda, the callers of the meeting also announce materials on the issues to be considered at the meeting. Announcement of the agenda and materials is done by protocol, in accordance to the internal regulation for circulation and administration of documentation.


Article 14

The validity of the meeting and decisions of the academic senate


  1. Academic Senate meetings are chaired by the Chair. The Vice President of the Academic Senate chairs the Senate meetings in the absence of the Chair.
  2. Academic senate meetings are valid when no less than 2/3 of the members of the academic senate attend them. If less than 2/3 of the members are present at the meeting, then the meeting shall not be held and adjourned for another date, but not later than eight days.
  3. Members of the academic senate exercise their own function. They cannot delegate the vote to another member nor vote on behalf of another member of the Senate.
  4. Voting in the academic senate is normally open. In cases where the decision to be voted refers to individual persons, the Senate may decide by simple majority to hold a secret ballot, if so required by each member. The procedures for conducting a secret ballot are determined by the academic senate.
  5. The Senate shall make decisions by simple majority unless a qualified majority is required for decision – making, as provided in this Statute.
  6. As a rule, decisions of the academic senate take effect immediately. The academic senate may determine in the decision the time of its entry into power.
  7. The academic senate can call at its meeting the Administrator and specialists of various fields, who have knowledge of the issues raised. Specialists can be internal or external.
  8. The Academic Senate, with the help of the Rectorate, designates the technical secretariat as an ad hoc structure consisting of at least one person to maintain the minutes of the meeting.
  9. Part of the technical secretariat will be considered other persons, administration staff who give explanations during the Senate meeting on the materials presented and the issues being discussed.


Article 15

Announcement, signing and publication of academic senate decisions


  1. Decisions made by the academic senate shall be made known within the next day of the meeting at which the decision is taken.
  2. The decisions of the academic senate are signed by the members who have voted for the decision.
  3. A member of the academic senate shall mark the words “pro” or “against” along with the signature, depending on the voting method.
  4. The decisions of the academic senate shall be published in accordance with the internal rules decided or the circulation and administration of documentation.
  5. As far as possible, the decisions of the academic senate are published on the website of the REALD University College.



Section II



Article 16

The composition of the Rectorate of College


  1. The Rectorate of the University College “REALD” is an executive collegial body.
  2. The Rectorate consists of:
  3. The Rector;
  4. The Vice Rector;
  5. Dean of the Faculty of ScienceDoctor s sore
  6. Dean of the Faculty of Economics;

e .Administrator of the College.

  1. The first meeting of the Rectorate is called by the Rector.


Article 17

Other functions and duties of the Rectorate


The functions of the Rectorate are as follows:

  1. a) Drafts the college’s multi-year development plan;
  2. b) Compiles the annual program of activities and follows its implementation after approval inthe Academic Senate;
  3. c) Proposes criteria for the distribution of academic and material resources;
  4. d) Drafts and proposes the draft budget for approval in the Academic Senate;
  5. e) Proposes the investment plan, contracts and agreements that are its competence;
  6. f) Presents project recommendations for study programs, research and structural changes necessary for their implementation;
  7. g) Implements all decisions approved by the academic senate;
  8. h) Monitors and publishes the results of the evaluation of the activities of the “REALD”University College;
  9. i) Follows the activity in the unit of the College for fulfilling the goals ofthe institution and for the implementation of the College bodies acts.


Article 18

Meetings and decision making of the Rectorate


  1. The Rectorate meets as a rule no less than once every two weeks. Where necessary, the Rectorate may convene at any time, provided that sufficient time is left for reviewing materials related to the issues under discussion.
  2. The meeting is convened by the Rector, mainly or at the request of each of the members of the Rectorate.
  3. The meeting is considered valid if more than half of its members attend.
  4. The meeting cannot be held and should be adjourned, if the number of necessary members has been met, but the member is not present, which has a direct bearing on the matter to be decided.
  5. As a rule, the Rectorate reaches to decisions unanimously. When this is not possible, decisions are taken by a vote of the majority members present at the meeting. In cases where a majority cannot be reached, the Rector’s vote is decisive.
  6. The minutes kept at the Rectorate meeting constitute the basic document reflecting the decision – making process.
  7. The decisions made by the Rectorate are materialized in the form of orders issued by the Rector of the University College “REALD”.


Section III



Article 19

The composition of Dean’s Office (Deanery)


  1. The Dean’s Office of the University College “REALD” is an executive collegial body.
  2. The Deanery consists of:
  3. a) The Dean;
  4. b) The Vice Dean;
  5. c) Administrator of the main unit;
  6. The Deanery is called at the first meeting by the Dean.


Article 20

Other functions and duties of the Deanery


The functions of the Dean’s Office are as follows:

  1. a) To compile the annual program of activities and follow its implementation after approval in the Rectorate and Senate;
  2. b) Proposes criteria for the distribution of material, human and academic resources for the main unit;
  3. c) Prepares and proposes the project drafts for the main unit;
  4. d) Presents project recommendations for study programs, research and structural changes necessary for their implementation;
  5. e) Implements all decisions approved by the academic senate;


Article 21

Dean’s meetings and decision making


  1. The Dean’s Office meets as a rule no less than once a month. Where necessary, the Dean’s Office may convene at any time, provided that sufficient time is left for the consideration of materials related to the issues under discussion.
  2. The meeting is called by the Dean mainly or at the request of each of the Dean’s members.
  3. The meeting is considered valid if more than half of its members attend.
  4. The meeting cannot be held and should be postponed, if the number of necessary members has been met, there is no member present, which is directly related to the issue to be decided.
  5. As a rule, the dean’s office makes decisions unanimously. Where this is not possible, decisions are taken by a majority vote of the members present at the meeting. In cases where a majority cannot be reached, the Dean’s vote is decisive.
  6. The minutes kept at the Dean’s meeting constitute the basic document reflecting the decision – making process.
  7. Decisions taken by Dean, materialized in the form of orders issued by the Dean of the main unit.


Section IV



Article 22

The Academic Assembly of the main unit


  1. Assembly of the academic staff of the main unit of University College “Reald” has the following functions:
  2. a) Elects the members of the Academic Senate, according to the respective election regulations;
  3. b) Elects the members of the permanent Commissions according to the election rules;
  4. The academic staff Assembly may exercise other powers according to the provisions in the internal regulations of the University College “Reald”.



Section V



Article 23

Ethics Council


  1. The Council of Ethics at University College “Reald”, formed by a decision of the Academic Senate. This council has a four-year term, with the right to be re-elected. The Council of Ethics consists of three members selected by the academic staff of the College.
  2. The main function of the Council of Ethics is to discuss ethical issues related to university life at REALD University College.
  3. The Ethics Council makes decisions and submits proposals to the Rector of the College.


Article 24

Functioning of the Ethics Council


  1. The Academic Senate appoints the Chair of the Ethics Council.
  2. The Ethics Council shall meet whenever a request for review is made by the entities designated in paragraph 4 of this Article.
  3. The request submitted for review to the Ethics Board contains at least the applicant’s record, a brief description of the issue raised for discussion, and accompanying materials that serve to address the issue.
  4. The Ethics Council considers requests submitted by
  5. a) The Academic Senate;
  6. b) The Board of Administration;
  7. c) The Rector;
  8. d) The Vice Rector;
  9. e) The Dean;
  10. f) The Student Council;
  11. g) At least 2 members of the College’s academic staff.


Article 25

Code of Ethics


  1. The Code of Ethics is discussed by the Ethics Council and then submitted to the Academic Senate for approval.
  2. Code of Ethics includes more detailed rules on the organization and functioning of the Council of Ethics, as well as the decisions of this council.


Section VI

                                                           Ad- hoc committees


Article 26

            Ad- hoc committees

The other permanent Commissions are collegial bodies that perform functions by determination act of their forming from the academic senate and the rules of their functioning.


Section VII

Internal Quality Assurance Unit


Article 27

Internal Quality Assurance Unit


University College “Reald” creates the Unit for the Internal Quality Assurance, a structure which will be responsible for developing policies and procedures for internal quality assurance.

The Internal Quality Assurance Unit is a collegial body. It consists of 5 (five) members, of whom 3 (three) are representatives of the academic staff of the main unit, 1 (one) representative of the Student Council and 1 (a) external expert. The members of the unit are approved by the Academic Senate on the proposal of the Rector.


Article 28

Powers of Internal Quality Assurance Unit


The competencies of the Internal Quality Assurance Unit are:

  1. To draft policies and procedures for internal quality assurance, acts approved by the Academic Senate.
  2. To draft standards for quality assurance in accordance with the Quality Code.
  3. To evaluate periodically the results of educational activities and scientific research in the main unit of the College in accordance with standards.
  4. To conduct exploratory studies to evaluate the performance of student employment and effectiveness of the programs offered by the College.
  5. At the end of each semester, prior to exam season, it organizes the student questionnaire on the quality of teaching for the subjects of each study program.
  6. After each evaluation it reports to the Academic Senate the relevant results and proposals.



Section VIII

Board of Administration


Article 29

Board of Administration


  1. The board of management is the highest administrative collegial body, which guarantees the fulfillment of the mission of the institution, conduct financial, administrative and the assets of the College.
  2. The functions of the College Board of Administration are as follows:
  3. Guarantees the financial viability of the Institution and the fulfillment of its mission;
  4. Gives an opinion on the College’s draft regulation and approves its financial regulation;
  5. It decides for the rules for the distribution of income provided by the Institution from the exercise of its activities, and supervises the use of funding sources;
  6. It is responsible for setting criteria and procedures for the employment of administrators and administrative staff, based on the College’s internal acts and applicable legislation;
  7. Appoints and dismisses the administrator of the College;
  8. Selects the Rector of the College from the proposed/self-proclaimed candidacies;
  9. Approves the College statute in advance, before it is forwarded to the Academic Senate;
  10. Approves the detailed annual report of the College’s activity, compiled by the Rectorate.
  11. Approves salary levels for all College staff.


Article 30

Members of the Board of Administration


  1. The Management Board shall consist of five part-time employers. The selected members have a four year mandate, with the following composition:
  2. a) Two members from the academic staff, who are selected by the Academic Senate of the proposed lists from the main unit.
  3. b) A member from outside the institution, from the business community, who is elected and appointed by the Assembly of the founding members of the College.
  4. c) Two members are elected and appointed by the shareholders assembly of the founding company of the College.
  5. Managing authorities (Rector, College Administrator, Heads of Principal Units, Heads of Basic Units and Administrators of Principal Units) may not be members of the Board of Administration. Designated Managing Authorities may be invited to attend Board of Directors meetings, depending on the sectors they cover.


Article 31

The mandate of the Board of Directors and its members


  1. The Board of Administration as a collegial body and has a four-year mandate.
  2. The term of office of a member of the Board of Directors shall run from the time of election and shall last until the end of the term of office of the Board of Directors.
  3. The term of office of a member of the Management Board shall be deemed to be terminated prematurely in cases where the member:
  4. Resigns as a member of the Board of Administration;
  5. Ends working relationship with the College;
  6. dies;

ç. Does not attend more than half of the meetings held during an academic year;

  1. Convicted of a criminal offense by final court decision;
  2. The Board of Administration shall ascertain the vacancy created by a declaratory decision.
  3. The vacancy created by the premature termination of the term of office of a member of the Management Board shall be filled by another person from the same group of removed members.



Article 32

The first meeting of the Board of Administration


  1. At its first meeting, the Board of Administration is convened by the Rector of the College ;
  2. At this meeting, the Chairman of the Board of Directors shall be elected from among the internal members, by a two-thirds majority vote of all members of the Council.
  3. The election of the Chairperson is also done in cases when the mandate expires prematurely of the elected Chairperson, or when the Chairperson resigns.

Article 33

Convocation of the Board of Administration meeting


  1. The Board of A’s administration normally meets at least once a month.
  2. The Board meeting is convened by the Chairman of the Board of Directors or two of its members.
  3. The meeting may also be convened at the request of the Rector of the College.
  4. The meeting is convened by written notice of the agenda at least 7 days before the date set for the meeting. Along with the announcement of the agenda, the callers of the meeting also announce materials on the issues to be considered at the meeting. The preparation and announcement of the agenda and materials shall be done in accordance with the internal rules set for the circulation and administration of documentation.



Article 34

Validity of the meetings and decisions of the Board of Directors


  1. Meetings of the Board of Directors are chaired by the Chairman.
  2. Meetings are valid when no less than half of the members of the Board of Directors attend them. If less than half of the members are present at the meeting, then the meeting shall not be held and adjourned for another date, but not later than three days.
  3. Members of the Board of Directors shall exercise their own function. They cannot delegate the vote to another member nor vote on behalf of another member.
  4. Voting on the Board of Administration is open.
  5. The Board of Directors shall make decisions by simple majority unless a qualified majority is required to execute the decisions, as provided in this Statute.
  6. The decisions of the Board of Directors shall be notified by the Chairman and shall enter into force immediately. The Board of Administration may determine in the decision the time of its entry into force.


Article 35

Other participants in the Board of Directors meeting


  1. Rector and the Administrator of the institution have the right to attend board meetings, without the right to vote, when they want to themselves, as and when they are called by the board.
  2. At the meeting of the Board of Directors, specialists of different fields who are aware of the issues raised may be invited. Specialists can be internal or external.
  3. Administrator College appoints a person to hold the record eve of the meeting s.
  4. Part of the technical secretariat will also be considered other persons, administration staff who provide explanations during the meeting regarding the materials presented and the issues being discussed.


Section IX

The Rector


Article 36

The Rector


  1. Rector is the highest academic authority of the organization, to, as well as his legal representative for academic affairs and protocol.
  2. The Rector must hold the title of “Professor” for a four-year term with the right to be re-elected only once in the same position and institution.


Article 37

Functions and Powers of the Rector of “REALD” University College


  1. The Rector of the College has the following functions:
  2. Leads and represents the College in relation to third parties of academic affairs.
  3. He is a member of the Rectors’ Conference.
  4. He is the President of the Senate.
  5. He exercises control over the legality of the leading authorities of the main units.
  6. Signs the degrees to the completion of the study programs, which are organized in “Reald”University College.
  7. The Rector of the College shall also exercise the following powers:
  8. a) Proposes the name of Vice Rector for approval to the Administrative Board and appoints the individual after approval;
  9. b) Selects and hires Deans of Faculties;
  10. c) Decides on the admission of the College in relation to domestic and foreign higher schools, various associations and organizations, for the exchange of experience and cooperation with the teaching-scientific process, as well as for the qualification of teaching staff;
  11. d) In cases of gross negligence or serious violations of the law and by-laws by a managing authority of a principal unit, the Rector shall order his dismissal.
  12. e) Appoints one of the deputies of the authority that will replace the leading authority to head the unit until the election of a new authority under this law.
  13. f) Rector organizes the early and on time elections.
  14. g) Approves the calendar of the teaching process for each school year;
  15. h) Appoints teaching and scientific staff, heads of administration structures and senior specialists, adhering to the criteria for the occupation of such posts, as specified by the relevant units, and signs the employment contracts of its designated employees, as specified in the relevant units, and dismisses them in cases provided by law and in accordance with this Statute and other acts;
  16. i) Approves the scientific teaching staff who will be under the annual teaching hours for the school year, specifying in each case this workload.
  17. j) Establishes committees to which specific tasks are assigned.
  18. k) Issues internal orders for the day-to-day operation of the administration of the College, imposes disciplinary and administrative measures in accordance with the legislation in force and this Statute.
  19. l) Delegates his signature to other officers under him to perform certain tasks when it is necessary, with the exception of signing the diplomas.
  20. m) Introduces the exemption from the University College of Students for the cases provided for in the relevant student regulation.
  21. n) Grants permission for law enforcement to enter the College premises and may appeal to such forces if necessary.
  22. o) The Rector of the College performs other duties determined by the legislation in force, the Statute of the College or other acts.



Article 38

Election, tenure, appointment and dismissal of the Rector


  1. The Rector of “REALD” University College is elected by the Board of Administration.
  2. Individuals from the academic staff of the College or individuals outside the title of “Professor” may apply for the position of Rector. The latter, in the case of winners, become members of the academic staff of the institution.
  3. The Rector of the College is elected one in four years with the right to be re-elected for one more term.
  4. In cases of committing gross criminal offenses or serious violations of law, the inability to perform the duties of the Rector is dismissed by the president, on the proposal of the Ministry responsible for Education.


Article 39

Termination of the mandate of the Rector of “REALD” University College


  1. The mandate of the Rector of the College ends with the completion of the period for which the Rector was selected.
  2. The term of office of the Rector may terminate prematurely when he:
  3. Resigns;
  4. Dies;
  5. It becomes physically or mentally impossible to exercise the function;

ç. When convicted by a final court decision of committing a criminal offense.

  1. In the cases referred to in this Article, early elections shall be announced for the election of the Rector. The mandate of the newly elected Rector is completing the mandate of the previous Rector.


Section X


Article 40

The Dean


  1. The Dean is the governing authority in a College Faculty, which represents him and acts on his behalf and on his behalf.
  2. The Dean is academic staff of the category “Professor”.


Article 41

Functions and powers of the Dean


  1. The Dean has the following functions:
    1. Directs and represents the Faculty;
    2. He is a Member of the Senate;
    3. Exercises legal control over the governing authorities within the faculty.
  2. The Dean also exercises these powers:
    1. Proposes the name of Vice Rector, for approval and appointment;
    2. Appoints the head of department;
    3. Appoints the heads of the teaching groups on the basis of the proposal of the head of the basic unit.
    4. Organises the student enrolment in the program of study at the university, in accordance with the criteria and procedures adopted for this purpose;
    5. Supervises the progress of educational activities and scientific base units, coordinating the work and cooperate with the leaders of basic units;
    6. Approves the formation of examination commissions, diplomas for study programs.
    7. Proposes to the Rector to expel the student for the cases provided for in the Rules of the Faculty;
    8. Submits to the Rectorate, each year, a report on the teaching, scientific and financial activity of the faculty, after deliberation and prior approval in the Deans.
    9. Organizes admissions competitions for new students in the faculty and controls the functioning of admissions committees;
    10. Approves the internal regulations of the units within the faculty.
    11. Signs the diplomas issued from the main units.
    12. Based on the number of students and faculty engagements, the Rector proposes the opening of the place for deputy dean in that faculty;
    13. Approves the chairpersons and members of the commissions of entrance exams, training and diploma protection exams, theses of entrance exams, training exams and draft diploma topics, upon proposal of the Head of Unit;
    14. The Dean exercising his powers, expresses his orders and instructions;
    15. In grave cases or serious violations of the law and bylaws the head of a department proposes the dismissal to the Rector. The Rector gives the answer within a month;
    16. The Dean appoints one of those responsible for research or scientific groups, who will replace the suspended head authority and to act as the new authority.
    17. The Dean shall perform such other duties as are prescribed in the applicable legislation, the Statute of the College, or other acts.


Article 42

The election, term, appointment and dismissal of the Dean


  1. The Dean shall be elected and appointed by the Rector in accordance with the provisions of this Statute and applicable legislation and shall be decreed by the Rector.
  2. For the position of the Dean can compete individuals of the academic staff of the respective faculty or individuals outside that have the title “Professor” or “Doctor / PHD”. The latter, in the case of winners, become members of the academic staff of the respective faculty.
  3. The Dean of the Faculty is appointed for a four year term, with the right to be elected once more for the same position and institution.
  4. In flagrant cases or serious violations of law and bylaws from the Dean, the Rector orders his dismissal. The Rector appoints one of the Vice-Deans to replace him the dismissed dean until the appointment of the new dean. The mandate of the new dean is up to the end of the same term.


Article 43

Completion of the term of the Dean of the Faculty


  1. The term of office of the Dean shall expire at the end of the period for which he is elected.
  2. The Dean’s term of office may terminate prematurely when he:
  3. Resigns;
  4. Dies;
  5. It becomes physically or mentally impossible to exercise the function;

ç. When deciding to dismiss;

  1. When convicted by a final court decision of committing a criminal offense.



Section XI



Article 44

Head of Department


  1. The Head of Department is the managing authority in a Faculty Department of the REALD University College.
  2. Head of the Department should be academic staff of the category “Professor” or the scientific degree “Doctor” (“PHD”), acquired at the universities of OECD member countries or the EU. In cases where there are no candidates of this category, the lecturer may also run for the post, when the latter holds the degree of “Doctor”.


Article 4 5

Functions and powers of the Head of Department


The Head of Department has these functions and competencies:

  1. a) He heads and represents the department;
  2. b) Directs and controls all teaching-educational and scientific work in the department.
  3. c) Selects among competing candidates, candidates to be appointed as full time academic staff in the unit he directs, or as part time staff engaged in the learning process. These nominations are proposed to the Dean;
  4. d) Takes organizational and monitoring measures for the development of teaching and research staff from the base unit he heads;
  5. e) Proposes to the Dean members of the examination committee formation or the degree of protection for programs covering basic unit directed by him;
  6. f) Encourages and motivates employees in the efficient realization of tasks in both teaching and research process;
  7. g) Requires revisions and improvements of study programs, curricula anddevelopment of professional practices in society trade (LLC, JSC) or the / institutions and the other with which the panel has concluded agreements.
  8. h) Proposes criteria for enrolment of students, sends them to the Dean who then forwards them to the Senate for approval.
  9. i) Performs other duties specified in the legislation in force, the College Statute or other acts.


Article 46

Election, mandate, appointing and dismissal of Heads of Department


  1. The Head of Department is selected and appointed by the Rector on the proposal of the Dean of the Faculty only once in the same position in the institution.
  2. Head of the Department is appointed for a term of four years with the right to be re-elected.
  3. In grave cases or serious violations of the law and bylaws a proposal for the dismissal is directed to the rector. The rector reaches a decision within a month. The Dean appoints one of the individuals responsible for research or scientific groups that will replace the head authority proposed till the election of the new authority.


Article 47

Completion of the Department Chief’s mandate


  1. The term of office of the Head of Department shall expire at the end of the period for which he is elected.
  2. The mandate of the department head may be terminated prematurely when he:
    • Resigns;
    • Dies;
    • It becomes physically or mentally impossible to exercise the function;
    • When there is a decision to dismiss;
    • When convicted by a final court decision of committing a criminal offense.


Section XII



Article 48

Number and duties of Vice- Rectors


  1. University College “Reald” has one Vice-Rector.
  2. The Vice Rector exercises these duties:
  3. a) Replaces the Rector in cases of his / her absence with the authorization of the latter;
  4. b) Organizes and controls teaching-training-scientific work throughout the College.
  5. c) Follows the design and implementation of curricula and programs in faculties and departments;
  6. d) Monitors and controls the progress of scientific work in the College;
  7. e) Organizes and supervises the work for the long-term specialization, domestically and internationally, of the College’s scientific teaching staff;
  8. f) Drafts the academic calendar draft plan of the academic process and submits it to the rector for approval;
  9. g) Oversees the organization and development of new student admission competitions;
  10. h) Controls and generalizes the experience of the faculties and smaller teaching units of the College in the educational process;
  11. i) Follows the scientific cooperation of the College units with scientific institutions, other higher schools, firms, production enterprises, etc .;
  12. j) Organizes the conduct of studies for the prospective development of the College in the fields it covers and presents it to the Rector;
  13. k) Submits to the Rector possible projects related to scientific work;
  14. l) Performs other duties specified in the legislation in force, this Statute or other acts.
  15. The Rector of the College has the right to propose to the Academic Senate the change of the number of Vice- Rectors, specifying the respective duties.


Article 49

The selection, approval, appointment and dismissal of Vice-Rectors of “Reald” University College 


  1. The vice Rector at Reald University College must have the tittle Professor or the scientific degree “Doctor/PhD”.
  2. The Rector of the College proposes his candidacy in the academic senate.
  3. The Academic Senate approves the proposal presented by the Rector at its first meeting.
  4. The Rector of the College appoints the Vice Rector approved by the academic senate.
  5. The Vice- Rector of the College is dismissed by the Rector, following the same procedures for his appointment.
  6. The Deputy Rector shall be dismissed when:
  7. When he resigns;
  8. When discharged from the Rector for violation of legal acts or actions of his non absence in the activities of the College;
  9. When for physical or mental reasons it is impossible to perform the assigned tasks.

ç. When convicted by a final court decision for committing a criminal offense.

  1. In case of dismissal of the Vice-Rector, the Rector proposes to the Academic Senate the name of the new Vice- Rector.


Article 50

The Vice Dean at “REALD” University College


  1. The Vice Dean is appointed and dismissed by the Dean.
  2. The Vice Dean should be a lecturer in a subject and working in the relevant faculty. The Vice Dean exercises the powers specified in the act of appointment.
  3. The Vice Dean replaces the Dean, in cases where he is absent, or in other cases provided for in the applicable legislation.
  4. Other provisions regarding the Vice Dean may be set forth in the Faculty Regulations.


Section XIII



Article 51

Managing Authorities


  1. Management Authority in University College “Reald” are:
  2. Administrator of University College “REALD”;
  3. Administrator / s of the main units
  4. Other authorities shall be appointed in accordance with the legislation in force and this Statute.


Article 52

Administrator of “REALD” University College


  1. The Administrator is the highest administrative authority and responsible for the financial well-being of the Institution. He is the legal representative of the Institution for financial and administrative matters.
  2. The administrator is appointed and removed in / from duty / a by the Board of Directors.
  3. It may or may not be a member of the (partner) assembly.
  4. The Administrator must have higher education, at least at the “Master of Science” level in law or economics and at least 7 (seven) years of work experience in these areas.
  5. The administrator of the institution may not perform any other academic, administrative or administrative function.
  6. The Administrator reports to the Board of Administration and the Academic Senate on its activities, respectively, on the fulfilment of academic and financial and administrative obligations.
  7. The administrator performs the following main functions:
  8. a) Develops the annual draft on the basis of proposals main units and base units, based on the strategic plan of the institution development and budget plan of his medium;
  9. b) Proposes the criteria for the management of financial and material resources, or attributes, presents them for approval to the Management Board and oversees the distribution of their application.
  10. c) Follows and monitors implementation of the annual budget of the institution in its dependence structures;
  11. d) Implements all decisions of the Management Board and Academic Senate of financial and administrative character;
  12. e) Presents to the Board of Management and the Academic Senate the report on the financial performance of the institution, at the end of each academic year;
  13. f) Collaborates with the authorities and other institutional structures for daily management issues;
  14. g) Appoints and dismisses the faculty administrators, and all the administrative staff of the institution.
  15. h) Fulfils the requirements of the RECTOR, in order to meet the academic, administrative and financial needs of the institution.
  16. i) Monitors the activity of the administration;
  17. j) Directs the employments procedures and performance evaluation of staff administration; Signs employment contract with administration employees.
  18. k) Represents or co-represents the institution in all judicial processes or resolving disputes with third parties, natural or legal;
  19. l) Is a member of the Rectorate.
  20. m) The Administrator performs other duties specified in the legislation in force in this Constitution or laws.



Article 53

Appointment and dismissal of the Administrator of the University College “REALD”


For the selection and appointment of administrator of the institution are followed these procedures:

  1. a) The Board of Administration approves the criteria that candidates must meet;
  2. b) The College shall publicly announce, for two calendar weeks, the job and the criteria that candidates for Administrator must meet, and shall announce the commencement of the evaluation and selection of candidates.
  3. c) The Board of Administration prepares candidates evaluation scheme by describing in detail how to assess the candidates.
  4. d) In addition to evaluating the file, an interview may be provided;
  5. e) Each member of the Board of Directors shall evaluate, in writing, according to the approved scheme, each candidate and, finally, on the basis of the points accumulated, the ranking of the candidates shall be announced;
  6. f) The Board of Directors has the right to choose, by secret voting, one of the three candidates who have accumulated the most points. The winner is the candidate who receives 2/3 of the votes of the members.
  7. g) The Board of Directors, after selecting the candidates, shall publicly announce the winning candidature.
  8. h) The procedures followed by the Board of Directors for the dismissal of the Administrator and for the manner of voting are the same as those followed for his election.


Article 54

The administrator of the Main Unit


  1. The administrator of the faculty (main unit) is responsible for the administrative and financial functioning of the unit.
  2. The faculty administrator is selected from among the job seekers in this leading position. The Proposal candidate is selected from the Dean of the Faculty and submits the request to the Institution Administrator. The Administrator appoints and dischargesthe administrator of the main unit.
  3. The administrator of the main unit should have a degree, at least at the level “Master of Science” in the field of justice or the economy, as well as work experience of at least five years in these areas.
  4. The faculty administrator may not perform any other academic, administrative or administrative function.
  5. The Faculty Administrator reports to the Administrator of the Institution on his / her activity and informs the Dean of everything related to the support of the teaching and research process.
  6. The main functions of the faculty administrator are:
  7. a) Performs daily financial administration of the faculty;
  8. b) Supervises and controls the financial activity of the faculty;
  9. c) Meets the requirements of the Dean, in order to meet the academic, administrative and financial needs;
  10. d) Cooperates with other authorities in the faculty structures on fundamental issues of its administration;
  11. e) Other functions as provided in the Institution’s Regulation.






Article 55

College personnel


  1. The staff of “REALD” University College consists of academic staff, academic support staff and administrative staff.
  2. The staff can be employed on contract, fixed term or indefinite term, as well as the commitment to full-time or part-time.
  3. The rights and obligations of personnel specified in this Statute and acts of domestic, in accordance with the Laws and regulations in force.





Article 56

Status of academic staff


  1. Academic staff enjoys special status and treatment under the Law.
  2. Aspects of special treatment, as well as other benefits of academic staff, shall be determined by the Board of Administration in accordance with the latter’s rules of procedure .


Article 57

Categories of academic staff


  1. The academic staff carries out teaching, research, support and development services of the Institution, counselling for students and other activities.
  2. The academic staff can be oriented to teaching and / or research – scientific. According to their role and activity, academic staff is categorized into:
  3. a) Professors;
  4. b) Lecturers;
  5. c) Assistant lecturers,

Wage levels of the categories of the academic staff are approved by the Board of Administration.

  1. The category “Professors” includes subject or module holders and leaders of research activity. They hold “Professor” or “Associate Professor” academic degrees and are hired on a one- year contract with the right to renew the contract.
  2. The category “Lecturers” includes members of the academic staff conducting teaching and research activities who hold a “PhD” or “Doctor” degree, having at least three years of teaching experience, before or after earning this degree, and are employed on a one-year contract with the right of renewal.
  3. The category “Assistant Lecturers” includes members of the academic staff who carry out teaching-research activities, hold at least a Master of Science degree and are employed on fixed-term contracts of at least one year, with the right of renewal.
  4. The annual teaching load of the academic staff is determined by the decision of the Academic Senate.


Article 58

Invited academic staff


  1. The basic units of the Institution have the right to seek employment by contract,

for short periods of time, scholars or field personalities, native or foreign.

  1. For the selection of invited academic staff, their qualifications are combined with

the need for a basic unit for teaching or research activities.

  1. The invited staff is hired, on a case-by-case basis, and the learning process can be organized on a short-term basis according to a specific plan.



Article 59

Hiring academic staff


  1. The criteria for hiring full-time academic staff are determined by the basic unit, based on the needs of the latter and approved by the Rector. The selection of the candidate is governed by an ad – hoc commission, made by a majority of the relevant base unit.
  2. The ad – hoc commission ranks the candidates, proposes them to the rector and the latter shall make full – time appointment of the employee.


Article 60

Administrative staff


  1. The categories of administrative staff and salary levels shall be approved by the Board of Administration.
  2. The hiring of administrative staff is done by the administrator of the Institution, after reviewing the requests made by the candidates who have applied. The employment criteria are determined, on a case-by-case basis, by the requirements of the job position.
  3. Procedures for disciplinary measures are as provided by the Labour Code of the Republic of Albania and the Code of Ethics of the Institution.


Article 61

Academic support staff


  1. Academic support staff is divided into academic support staff with teaching character and academic support with administrative character.

1.1 Academic support staff of a more similar nature assist in the realization and support of teaching and / or research activities. It is staffed by the base unit and serves to support the latter’s operations. These include laboratories, technicians, etc., as specified in the internal acts of the institution.

1.2 Academic support staff of an administrative nature shall assist in the realization and support of teaching and / or research and / or development activities of the institution at the basic unit level, main unit level or institution level. This includes the staff specified in the institution’s internal acts.

  1. The criteria for the employment of full-time academic staff shall be proposed by the unit to which the staff is assigned. The competition shall be chaired by an ad – hoc committee composed of a majority of representatives of the relevant unit.
  2. Rules and procedures for the selection of members of the ad – hoc committee as well of the selection of academic support staff are acted in the internal acts of the institution.



Article 62

Administrative staff


  1. The categories of administrative staff and salary levels shall be approved by the Board of Administration.
  2. The hiring of administrative staff is done on the proposal of the Administrator of the Institution, after reviewing the requests made by the aplicants and their approval / appointment by the Assembly of the Founding Company of the Institution. Employment criteria are determined, on a case-by-case basis, by the position of the job required for the job.
  3. Procedures for disciplinary measures are those provided by the Labour Code of the Republic of Albania and the Code of Ethics of the Institution.





Article 63

Forms and study programs at “Reald” University College


  1. The forms of undergraduate studies are:
  2. a)  Full time studies;
  3. b) Studies with extra time.
  4. Study programs at “Reald”, University College organized in two following cycles: the first and second cycle, and cycle of integrated studies.
  5. The College offers accredited study programs organized in modules and assessed on credits under the European Credit Transfer and Collection System (ECTS). The average amount of credits accrued during a year by a full-time student is 60 credits.
  6. At University College “Reald” study programs are designed by departments. Faculty councils after giving their approval for the programs, propose them for approval to the Academic Senate.
  7. The Rector has responsibility for all programs of study offered by the College of publicly announced before the start of applications for admission, determining which are accredited and which are not.
  8. Programs of the first study cycle and the second cycle, as well as integrated programs are programs of graduate studies.


Article 64

Academic year and organization of the teaching process


  1. Studies at University College “Reald” are based on an academic year. Announcement of the start date of the academic year is done according to the legislation in force.
  2. The academic year is organized in semesters according to the legislation in force.


Article 65

Tuition Fees


  1. Tuition fees include registration fee and tuition fee. Study fees are differentiated by study cycles or forms.
  2. Fees for all study programs are proposed by the Academic Senate and approved by the Board of Administration.
  3. Students sign the respective contracts of the services in which are determined the tuition fees for all programs and study cycles.


Chapter Five



Article 66

First cycle study programs


  1. The first cycle study programs aim at acquiring basic knowledge, methods of general scientific principles, and forming specific habits in a wide variety of professions and specialties;
  2. The first cycle study programs are carried out with 180 European ECTS ( credits) and their normal duration is 3 academic years;
  3. Upon completion of the first cycle study programs, a Bachelor’s degree shall be issued in accordance with the rules set in this Statute.


Article 67

Admission to the first cycle of studies


  1. Any person who has completed the state Matura and has fulfilled the legal criterion of GPA, has the right to compete for admission to pursue studies at “Reald” University College.
  2. Studies at University College “Reald” may be followed by foreign students, and those students under bilateral or multilateral agreements, according to the legislation in force.
  3. The College has the right to propose separate admission criteria for each study program. These criteria are made public by the College, together with the necessary information on the relevant Faculty and the programs it offers.


Article 68

Elements of first cycle study programs


  1. The first cycle study programs must contain the following elements:
  2. General information about the program, form and main objectives, its

Instructional plan, associated with compulsory study credits;

  1. Classification of study program, which becomes applicable with the creation of the framework of the National Qualifications;
  2. Conditions of admission to the study program and selection criteria in the case of Limited number of admissions;
  3. Student assessment methods; The conditions for transfer between programs and the conditions for termination of a part of the program if it so provides;
  4. Academic and professional titles, accorded by law.
  5. Other elements of study programs may be determined by the Academic Senate.



Article 69

Issuance of diplomas and other documents


  1. College provides students who have completed all the obligations of a program of study within the time periods determined by legislation in power with relevant diploma, which is an official document.
  2. The diplomas for the first cycle are accompanied by the diploma supplement.
  3. The diploma supplement is drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the European Higher Education Area. It describes, in particular, the nature, level, content, results of studies that have been successfully completed and completed by the diploma holder, etc.
  4. Content and form of diploma and diploma supplement are determined by the Academic Senate, in accordance with the instructions of the Ministry of Education.
  5. Any form of diploma or certificate before being issued, is registered in the state register of diplomas and certificates for higher education and research, held in the Ministry of Education.


Article 70

Titles of degrees of the first cycle in the University College “Reald”


University College “Reald” issues “Bachelor” degree, for the first cycle under the program study.


Article 71

Transfers for the first cycle of studies


  1. REALD University College, provides opportunities for student transfers between first cycle programs, within the College or various higher education institutions.
  2. The decision for full or partial recognition of the credits accrued by a student for the purpose of continuing his studies is up to the teaching structure that accepts the student.
  3. The main criteria for full recognition of credits accumulated by a student are as follows:
  4. The similarity of the study program;
  5. Time of studies;
  6. The main criteria for the partial recognition of credits accrued by a student are as follows:
  7. The similarity of the study program;
  8. Time of studies;
  9. Other detailed criteria for recognition of credits according to points 3 and 4 of this article,

are specified in the College’s teaching regulations .





Article 72

The programs of the second cycle studies


The second cycle programs are “Master of Science” and “Professional Master”.

  1. Second cycle study programs provide in-depth theoretical and practical knowledge as well as training in independent research in a field within a specialty;
  2. These programs comprise 60 or 120 credits including credits for the research project, thesis and normal period of one or two academic years;
  3. Students of this study program before the accession must be have a foreign language certificate, on the basis of internationally recognized tests by the Ministry of Education, by levels determined by the HEI.
  4. Upon completion of the second cycle study programs, a university degree “Master of Science” or “Professional Master” in the field of completed education shall be issued. Issuance of the second cycle diploma examinations carried out in accordance with the provisions of this statute and the legal framework in force.


Article 73

Elements of second cycle study programs


  1. Second cycle study programs must contain the same elements as set out for first cycle study programs.
  2. Other elements of second cycle study programs may be determined by the Academic Senate.

Article 74

Admission to the second cycle of studies


  1. The right of application to enrol in the second cycle of studies possess the individuals who have completed a study program of the first cycle as well as meet the academic standards of

college admission criteria.

  1. Quotes and acceptance criteria at University College “Reald” for second cycle programs, are approved by the Academic Senate.



Article 75

Transfers for the second cycle of studies


  1. College provides opportunities for students to transfer between programs of the second cycle, within “Reald” University College or the various institutions of higher education.
  2. The decision for full or partial recognition of the credits accumulated by a student for the purpose of continuing his studies belongs to the teaching structure that accepts the student.
  3. The main criteria for full recognition of credits accumulated by a student are as follows:
  4. The similarity of the study program;
  5. Time of studies;
  6. The main criteria for the partial recognition of credits accrued by a student are as follows:
  7. The similarity of the study program;
  8. Time of studies;
  9. Other detailed criteria for recognition of credits according to points 3 and 4 of this article,

are specified in the College’s teaching regulations .



Article 76

Integrated second cycle study programs


Organization and policies for integrated second cycle studies at University College “Reald”, are made in accordance with applicable legislation. Integrated second cycle study programs are approved by the competent state authorities.






Article 77

Applications for a second study program


  1. Individuals who have completed a study program have the right to pursue a second study program.
  2. These individuals should be subject to criteria, determinations of laws and acts in power





Article 7 8

Interdisciplinary study programs


  1. Faculties at the University College “Reald”, organize joint programs of interdisciplinary studies. Such programs are also organized in cooperation with faculties of different higher education institutions.
  2. At the end of interdisciplinary studies programs is issued a joint degree from University College “Reald” and the other institution of higher education.


Article 79

Joint study programs


  1. Joint research programs carried out at University College “Reald” or in one of the Faculties of the College in cooperation with one or several other institutions of higher education within or outside the Republic of Albania.
  2. Joint study programs are organized by the higher education institutions themselves. At the end of the studies a joint degree or a double degree is issued.


Article 80

Continuing education studies programs


  1. In addition to the various study programs, REALD University College offers continuing education study programs as a form of lifelong learning. These programs serve as short-term specializations, adding, strengthening and updating of knowledge. They may also include advanced search programs.
  2. Continuing education study programs help individuals to increase their qualifications and professional skills.
  3. Within the framework of programs of continuing education studies, the College also organizes various other forms of informal learning such as courses, summer schools and similar activities.
  4. The structure of the programs, according to points 1 and 2 of this article, their duration and credits shall be determined by the College in accordance with the rules set out in this Statute for study programs.
  5. Upon completion of the continuing education programs, the College shall issue the relevant certificates.




Recognition and equivalence of diplomas and periods of study


Article 81

Recognition of foreign diplomas, certificates and degrees


  1. Through the evaluation procedure, a foreign diploma is equivalent to an Albanian diploma in terms of the right to continue education and the right to employment. This also applies to recognition of foreign certificates, degrees or degrees.
  2. The institution responsible for official recognition of the Republic of Albania diplomas or certificates issued by foreign higher education institutions, the Ministry of Education, which performs this process by the responsible entity recognition of the diplomas, the Ministry has the right to authorize the University College “REALD” to carry out this process in cases of diploma unification from the point of view of the right to continue education.

Article 82

The equivalence of degrees and periods of study


  1. Through equivalence, full study parts or programs or degrees obtained at other domestic or foreign institutions shall be recognized and equivalent in terms of the right to pursue education in the same or similar study program.
  2. The recognition is done by University College “Reald” the requests and necessary documentation and procedures for equivalency defined in this statute, in accordance with applicable legislation.








Article 83

Research and development


  1. The University College “REALD” can conduct research, studies and development projects, other creative activities, according to the specific objectives of the College.
  2. Research and development activities performed at University College “Reald” aims and increasing the quality of education. It provides students with methodological research skills, provides ongoing opportunities to supplement advanced disciplines, improves the qualifications of academic staff, and creates material tools.
  3. Academic staff is free to conduct research and development activities for third parties, provided:
  4. fulfilment of obligations under the employment contract;
  5. fulfilling the obligations of the relevant faculty or department for scientific research.
  6. Research and development activities for third parties are carried out at the University College “REALD”, only in the framework of agreements with state or private entities, domestic or foreign, to which the College is a part.
  7. The agreements adopted by the Board of Directors in accordance with the provisions set forth in this Statute.



Article 84

Research activities


  1. Research and development activities should ensure the integration of research with learning.
  2. Research topics or deadlines, directions and volume of work are determined by Departments and Faculties. These are determined based on the country’s development needs, the importance of research for student education, scientific cooperation programs, the training of academic staff , and the financial resources available.
  3. University College “REALD”, provides for third parties various qualified services, such as expertise, analysis, counselling, monitoring, information services, etc., in accordance with the regulations of the Faculties.
  4. These activities are carried out with stakeholder funding. The income from these activities is considered as income from the institution. Part of this revenue may also be used to reward and motivate staff participating in this activity, in accordance with applicable legislation.
  5. The College has the right to design research programs and projects of cooperation with other institutions, public or private, at home and abroad, as well as with associations, foundations, etc.
  6. The College prepares an annual report on scientific-research or creative activity of any kind.


Article 85

Planning research activities


  1. Research activities are carried out on the basis of plans, programs and projects approved by the Faculty Councils.
  2. The performance of research work of all types and levels shall be assessed by the Faculty Councils and the Academic Senate, in accordance with the rules set forth in the relevant provisions of this Statute.
  3. Second cycle study programs are considered research work and are also subject to planning.


Article 86

Research and development center

  1. The research and development center has a structure similar to the Department and is organized near the faculties.
  2. The research and development center carries out teaching-scientific and development activities.
  3. The Head of the Research and Development Center is the head of the basic research teaching unit. He must be a “Professor” or “Associate Professor” or “Doctor of Science”.
  4. The Head of the Research and Development Center shall be elected by the internal staff of the Faculty, approved by the Rector and appointed by the Governing Board, for a period of one year, with the right of reappointment.







The quality of teaching


Article 87

Internal quality assurance


  1. Theactivity of internal quality assurance is carried out by structures operating at the central unit level (rectorate / institutional), main unit level and basic unit level.

2 . The Academic Senate of the University College “REALD” evaluates, guarantees and holds responsibility for the internal quality assurance of the institution in accordance with state standards.

3 . The Academic Senate sets up the Quality Assurance Committee, which consists of:

  1. At least three members of the Academic Senate with degrees / scientific title
  2. One representative from the Student Council;
  3. An outside expert.

4 .The Committee periodically evaluates the effectiveness of teaching, research or artistic activities as well as the administrative and financial activities of the institution. The Committee has operational autonomy and access to all records of the institution.


Article 88

External quality assurance


External quality assurance is carried out through external quality assessment and accreditation processes, in accordance with the terms, procedures and authorities specified in the legislation in force for higher education.


Article 8 9


  1. Accreditation is carried out in accordance with the procedures, deadlines and by the bodies specified in the legislation in force.
  2. Every accredited program / institution is subject to periodic evaluation and accreditation.
  3. Periodic evaluation and accreditation is carried out every 6 years.
  4. The costs for external quality assessment are borne by the institution itself.
  5. The results of external evaluation and accreditation are made public.







Article 90

General principles


  1. The income generated by the University College “REALD” is fully used by it and its unused portion is carried forward to the following year.
  2. All collection transactions, including payment transactions, are carried out through the banking system, in compliance with all financial control rules, in accordance with the legislation in force.


Article 91

Sources of financing


  1. University College “REALD” is funded by:
  2. Owner’s capital and other assets made available by him ;
  3. The income generated;
  4. Other legitimate assets.
  5. The College shall adopt rules of procedure for the use of funds generated from income.


Article 92

College Income


  1. College income includes:
  2. Tuition Fees;
  3. Proceeds from the organization of trainings or qualifications for third parties, under agreements concluded;
  4. Income from services in the field of publishing.
  5. Income from conducting commissioned research and other specialized services;
  6. Revenue arising from the leasing of assets to third parties in the form of lease agreements and other forms of contracting;
  7. Gifts, charity and public and private donations;
  8. Other lawful financing.


Article 93

Drafting the College budget


  1. The College’s draft budget is drawn up by the Administrator, based on the mid-term budget program for 3-years and proposals from the constituent structures. It is approved by the Academic Senate after being approved by the Board of Administration.
  2. Budgeting is done in accordance with the standards set by the legal framework in force.


Article 94

The movable and real estate property of “REALD” University College


The properties movable and immovable property necessary for carrying out the activity, go to administration of the University College “Reald” from the company Eskeld C.O.


Article 95

Controlling and inner Auditing  


The control and the inner auditing in the University College “Reald” is performed by an audition unit. The audit process is performed in accordance with the legislation in power and regulation of the respective regulation.








Article 96

Gaining, suspending and losing student status


  1. The student status is gained by enrolling in the University College “Reald”. This status is forfeited by obtaining the relevant diploma or certificate, as well as in the case of student quitting from the University College “REALD”.
  2. The student may suspend studies and resume studies in accordance with the rules set out in the University College “REALD” Regulation.
  3. A student may not be enrolled in more than one study program at REALD University College at the same time.


Article 97

Student rights and obligations


  1. Students are entitled to:


  1. Students are entitled to:
  2. a) Attend all teaching activities conducted under the study program where they are enrolled, as well as the cultural, artistic, sporting activities organized by the College;
  3. b) Participate in student bodies in accordance with the requirements of applicable law;
  4. c) Use the infrastructure that REALD University College makes available to the teaching process and to benefit from the support services provided by this institution;

ç) Participate in the decision-making processes of the College, in accordance with the provisions of the Law and this Statute;

  1. d) Influence the improvement of the teaching process through democratic forms of expression of will;
  2. e) Express their appreciation for the quality of teaching and the work of the staff of REALD University College;
  3. f) Sign a service contract at the time of enrolment in the College, which has the elements and form specified in the instruction of the Minister responsible for education, as well as being provided with a student card;
  4. g) Be insured by the College in one of the insurance companies, for the entire duration of the studies, for the risk of termination of activity or other risks, as specified in the joint instruction of the Minister of Education and Sport and the Minister of Finance.
  5. gj) Enjoy all the rights provided by law.
  6. Students are required to:
  7. a) Follow the rules set by the REALD University College;
  8. b) Respect the rights of staff and the rights of other students;
  9. c) Pay the fees set by the REALD University College;
  10. d) Respect the Code of Ethics.

Article 98

Student councils

  1. Students have the right to organize in student councils at the faculty, College and national level.
  2. Student councils are independent organizations. They do not conduct political or economic activities and promote student participation and coordinate their representation in the governing bodies of the REALD University College.
  3. Student councils are elected every two years by the student vote and are based on legislation in force. The vacancies (when the student finishes his studies or are transferred, as well as other cases) are filled, for the time being at the end of the mandate started, by the next candidate in the order of the number of votes collected in the last election.
  4. The modalities and procedures for the establishment, organization and functioning of student councils are defined in the regulations of the University College ” Reald”  in regulations of the constituent faculties, in line of this Law, and are also based on proposals submitted by students.
  5. Student councils express opinions and make proposals on all problems of general interest to the University College “REALD” and the relevant faculty, such as those for study plans and programs; for launching new programs; on teaching activity regulations; on the quality of service; the level of tuition fees; for the development of various cultural, artistic, sports activities etc.
  6. The University College “REALD” supports student councils and finances their activities from the fund designated for these purposes in its annual budget.


  1. Creation, their organization and functioning are based on the Law on Education

Larts and student proposals.

  1. Promote student participation and coordinate the representation of ideas and their inferences in the governing bodies of College, in teaching-research and service structures.


Article 99

Documentation of the learning process


  1. “Reald” University College is bound by law to keep records in writing in the registers taken from the Ministry responsible for education and specifically:
  2. a) The basic register of students;
  3. b) The register of academic achievements;
  4. c) The register of issuance of diplomas and certificates.


  1. The Basic Register of the students is the entity that certifies the registration of students at the “Reald” University College. This register:
    1. Indicates that each student is provided with a unique matriculation number, which he or she holds until obtaining a degree or certificate;
    2. It is deposited in the state archive according to the laws in force, while the certified copies of the original are preserved for all time period for property of the existence of “Reald” University College or continuity s of this institution with the changed name, without the right to issuance of extracts from the register from the date of submission to the archive.
    3. It is also filled out electronically.
    4. The Academic Achievement Register is the document certifying the results achieved by each student enrolled in the REALD University College, according to the study programs. Register of Academic Achievements:
    5. It is deposited in the State Archives, in accordance with the legal framework applicable to the archives, while the copy of the original shall be retained for the entire period of time of the institution’s existence, without the right to issue extracts from the register from the date of its submission to the Archive.
    6. It is also filled out electronically.
    7. The register of diplomas and certificates is the document certifying their issuance by the REALD University College. In this registry is documented the diploma withdrawal and diploma supplement of every student who has successfully completed academic obligations and other institutional obligations to the College.


Register of diplomas and certificates:

  1. It is deposited in the State Archives, in accordance with the legal framework applicable to the archives, while the copy reproduced with the original shall be retained for the entire period of existence of the “REALD” University College without the right to issue extracts from the Register from the day of its submission to the Archive.
  2. It is also filled out electronically.
  3. The University College “REALD” will complete the elements of the registries specified in point l of this Article in accordance with the legal acts. After completion, the documentation is deposited in the state archives, according to the legal framework applicable to the archives. Whereas the copy is kept in the archive of the REALD University College, in accordance with the legislation in force and the College Regulations without the right to issue extracts from the register from the day of its submission to the Archive. In the event of termination of the College’s activity , its records, as specified in clause l of this Article, and any other documents, shall be deposited in the State Archives, in accordance with the legal framework for the archives.


Article 100

The basis of student data at “Reald” University College


  1. University College “Reald” retains personal data of the students, according to the legal acts in force for the protection of personal data.
  2. The processes of storing and processing student data from the College and its constituent structures shall be conducted on the basis of the principle of confidentiality and in accordance with the requirements of the personal data protection legislation.








Article 101

Approval of the statute


  1. This statute is approved by the Academic Senate of the REALD University College.
  2. Statute of the College can be changed according to the procedures determined in this Statute.
  3. Upon entry into force of this Statute, any other act of equal force in the University College “REALD” shall be repealed, as well as any provision of regulations or other acts that are inconsistent with this Statute.


Article 102

Transitional provisions


  1. Students enrolled in a study program for a Degree in Reald University College before the entry into force of this Statute, will continue their studies in the same study program for its normal duration.
  2. The transitional provisions set forth in the applicable higher education legislation are applicable to the “REALD” University College notwithstanding the provisions of this Statute.
  3. The provisions of the statute which are in contradiction with the transitional provisions of the legislation in force are not applicable. These provisions of the Statute shall enter into force upon the expiry of the legal effects of the transitional provisions, in accordance with the time limits laid down in the legislation in force.


Article 103

Institution seal and web page


“Reald” University College has its official steal and the model is attached as part of this Statute as Annex 3, with the description: circular seal in which is written University College Reald Vlore and in the middle there is the emblem of the institution.


University College “Reald “has its own web page with the address,   which is administered by a site administrator.

Article 104

Drafting the internal regulation


In accordance with Law no. 8012015 “On Higher Education and Scientific Research in Higher Education Institutions in the Republic of Albania” and this Statute, designed and regulated in the respected  statute and regulation according to the legal acts in power.

The internal regulations of the main units are drafted by the councils of these units and approved by the rector of “REALD” University College while the internal regulations of the basic units are drafted by these units and approved by the dean of the faculty.


Article 105

Approval from Academic Senate


This Statute was approved at the meeting of the Academic Senate by Decision no. 56 date 07:12.2016.


Article 106

Implementation of the statute


This Statute shall enter into force after its approval by the Minister responsible for education.








Prof. Ass. Dr. Petrit KOTORI


[1] This point deleted by Decision no. 9, date 01.10.2018 the Academic Senate, approved by Order no. 698, date 10/19/2018, the minister of Education, Sports and Youth.

[2]This point has been amended by Decision no. 9, dated 01.10.2018 of the Academic Senate, approved by Order no. 698, dated 19.10.2018, of the Minister of Education, Sport and Youth.