The council of ethics in the University College “Reald” is comprised of:

  1. Përparim FAKAJ            – Chairman
  2. Lejdi FETAHU             – member
  3. Arnold SINANAJ         – member


The council of ethics functions based on the law no. 80/2015, “For the Higher Education and Scientific Research in the Institution of Higher Education in the Republic of Albania”, in the Statute of the College, and in the Code of Ethics approved from the Academic Senate. The Code of Ethics determines the way the decisions are taken, the presentation and the complaint resolving, the decision execution, and the respective sanctions.

In the Code of Ethics are determined the responsibilities of the staff and the students and the violations of the responsibilities is considered the breach of ethics and is object to consider by the Council of Ethics and the directing authorities of each level or collegial organ.

Violation of the ethical rules are considered all the actions performed by the academic staff, administrative personnel, the helping academic staff and the students, actions that violate the personality of other people, the academic ethics, the rules and ethical and moral values of the institution and the society, according to the Code of Ethics approved by the Academic Senate.     The Ethic’s Council is a collegial body that discusses ethics issues in academic life and submits proposals to the Rector on these issues.

The governing bodies and authorities of the College are obliged to make available to the Ethic’s Council all the documentation and information required for the examination of their respective complaints. The Ethic’s Council, after examining the matter in question, makes proposals to the relevant managing authority, or directly to the Rector when the request is made, to decide on disciplinary measures.