2016,Vol. 2,Issue 1
CBCT-Një metodë inovative për diagnostikimin dhe trajtimin e impaktimit dentar
Erion Shehu DMD, PhD, Prof. Dr. Spiro Caushi, Donika Zyberi PhD, Votim Shehu DMD
Akademia e Studimeve të Aplikuara “REALD”, Fakulteti i Shkencave Mjekësore, Departamenti i Stomatologjisë
The aim: The aim of this study is to demonstrate the advantages of 3D-CBCT in radiographic interpretation and management of dental impactions in the field of oral and maxillofacial surgery. Materials and methods: Are taken in consideration referrals for CBCT by oral and maxillofacial surgeons in two radiological centers located in Tirana and to a dental clinic located in Vlora. All of them have apparatuses Dentsply Sirona ORTHOPHOS XG 3D, during 12 months of trials.Results: Diagnosis and management of dental impactions in the field of oral and maxillofacial surgery have always posed a great challenge to the oral surgeon. This could largely be attributed to the limitations posed by the conventional two-dimensional (2D) imaging modalities. Dental impactions, which can occur due to pathologic or developmental factors, can be evaluated accurately using cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) three- dimensional (3D) imaging. 3D localization of the impacted teeth and determination of the type of impaction can be performed using multiplanar reformats from the CBCT data and this data will help the oral surgeon to get a sense of a 3D position of the teeth and its relation to the adjacent anatomic structures. Most importantly 3D images from the CBCT machine allows the surgeon to accurately plan the appropriate treatment strategy as he will be able to visualize the proximity of vital structures and thickness of bone covering the impacted teeth. The teeth most commonly impacted are the mandibular impacted teeth followed by the maxillary canines. Surgical removal of mandibular impacted teeth poses a high risk, as the lingual nerve and the inferior alveolar nerve and vessels pass close to the teeth. Conclusions: The advent of CBCT as contemporary diagnostic aid in craniofacial imaging has brought in a paradigm shift in the diagnosis and management of dental impactions in the field of oral and maxillofacial surgery.