2016,Vol. 2,Issue 1
Roli i mësueses për edukimin e fëmijëve në arsimin parashkollor
Msc. Valentina Fakaj
Recent years many attempts were made to develop the preschool system. The goal is for him to have and adopt a universal support to be made aware of need strong pedagogical component in all the services it performs pre-school. Garden and family are two main homes were education of preschoolers. When children come first in the garden, they make behavior and actions by imitating adult’s house. But, gradually, over time, they acquire new skills and abilities, as a result of the attendance of the garden environment, where they learn to apply new rules requiring coexistence group. Group begins the process of social integration of preschool children. The wealth and diversity of educational experiences helps children to build and develop their knowledge and prepare for the acquisition of knowledge in elementary school. Understandably, their arrival in this new environment is for those throwing a step toward a new world, which is full of the unknown and unexpected. The child in this family environment is far environment, where he had previously loved his people and the nearest. Putting the child at the center of activity that takes place in the garden, the emphasis of freedom, taking into account the interests of respect rights, it means that all teaching and educational activity should be directed by the teacher, as the only person responsible for the company has imposed this noble task and its implementation. The key to success in teaching and educational activities with preschoolers is patience.