2016,Vol. 2,Issue 1

Mjetet kryesore të shndërrimit të togfjalëshit të lirë në njësi frazeologjike.(Krahasimi, hiperbola, metafora)

Dr. Përparim Fakaj, Msc. Suela Fakaj, Msc. Julian Fakaj

The wording includes all short term, strong and beautiful, with a figurative sense, that are formed with time in the mouth of people who were followed from generation to generation and are polished with care, craftsmanship and taste. Albanian is an Indo-European languages very rich phraseology. Creating and using them shows its unlimited opportunities to meet with its own means of communication functions and enables the company to the demand of the growing development of the semantic lexical unit. Ways of implementing the movement of meaning to the phrase converting a free phrase phraseological are: comparison, metaphorize, the litot izimi hyperbole. But, by weight, by volume and the quality of implementation, the first place occupies the metaphor, then on the comparison, the litotes hyperbole. Hyperbole is often seen as a kind of comparison., And we share a special tool and it forms the subgroup that appears with its own distinctive features from other groups.