Biblioteka On-Line
Aktualisht bibloteka on-line ka botime ofron një gamë të gjerë librash dhe botimesh të ndryshme ne gjuhën angleze. Ato mund të lexohen on-line ose dhe mund të shkarkohen në formatin .pdf. Më poshtë jepen lidhjet për aksesimin e biblotekës on-line.
Lista e librave të disponueshëm në bibiotekën e Kolegjit Universitar REALD
The law of healthcare administration | cope 1 |
Chemistry | cope 1 |
Periodontal therapy | cope 1 |
The brain | cope 1 |
Gastroenterology | cope 1 |
Public health | cope 1 |
Organ system | cope 1 |
Unlocking medical terminology | cope 1 |
Anatomy physiology | cope 1 |
Student study gide | cope 3 |
Principles of internal medicine | cope 1 |
Mcat chemistry | cope 2 |
Mcat organic chemistry | cope 2 |
Patient billing | cope 1 |
Biology | cope 1 |
Application of nursing process and nursing diagnosis | cope 1 |
Gastroenterology | cope 1 |
After 40 health and medical guide | cope 1 |
Diabets care | cope 1 |
BLS for healthcare providers | cope 1 |
Oral roentgenographic diagnosis | cope 1 |
Clinical gated cardiac spect | cope 1 |
Clinical application of blood glases | cope 1 |
Microbial genetics | cope 1 |
Nrevous system | cope 1 |
Women and alchool | cope 1 |
Respiratory physiology | cope 3 |
Ortopedics secrets | cope 1 |
Pulmonary disease | cope 1 |
Clinical laboratory medicine | cope 1 |
A manual of oral surgery | cope 1 |
Joint structure and function | cope 1 |
Pharmacology | cope 1 |
Gjenetika mjekesore dhe elemente te biologjise molekulare | cope 1 |
Biologjia | cope 1 |
Interpretimi i EKG-se | cope 1 |
Semundjet infektive | cope 2 |
Histologjia | cope 1 |
Tabela e vlerave ushqyese | cope 1 |
Infeksionet me virusin e gripit te shpendeve | cope 1 |
Auskultacioni dhe perkusioni inspeksioni dhe palpacioni | cope 1 |
Parimet baze te ekonomise se shendetit | cope 1 |
Patologjia morfologjike | cope 1 |
Semundjet infektive | cope 1 |
Dermatologjia | cope 1 |
Fiziologjia e njeriut | cope 1 |
Bronkologjia | cope 1 |
Kirurgjia dhe kujdesi infermieror | cope 1 |
Semundjet infektive | cope 1 |
BLS for healthcare providers | cope 1 |
Child growth and development | cope 1 |
Dentistry for the child and adolescent | cope 1 |
Cancer | cope 1 |
Outpatient medicine | cope 1 |
Pblebotomy | cope 1 |
The medical clinics of north america | cope 1 |
Discover health | cope 1 |
Cimical principes | cope 1 |
Mayo clinic on digestive health | cope 1 |
The runers medical guide | cope 1 |
Administration of programs for young children | cope 1 |
Contemporary growth therapies | cope 1 |
Drugs for heart | cope 1 |
Gamuts in ultrasound | cope 1 |
Contemporary practical nursing | cope 1 |
Taking child abuse seriously | cope 1 |
Medicine recall | cope 1 |
Diagnostic and laboratory | cope 2 |
Medical terminology | cope 1 |
Physical examination | cope 1 |
The heart | cope 1 |
Emergency medicine | cope 1 |
Annual review of biochemistry | cope 1 |
Drug gide for nurses | cope 1 |
The heart manual of cardiology | cope 1 |
Nursing drug references 2004 | cope 1 |
Nursing drug references 2005 | cope 1 |
Guide nursing diagnosis | cope 1 |
Paramedic care | cope 1 |
Anatomy and physiology coloring workbook | cope 1 |
Human functional anatomy | cope 1 |
Hypertension the renal basis | cope 1 |
Language and communication disabilities | cope 1 |
Human anatomy | cope 1 |
Microbiology | cope 1 |
Anatomy and physiology | cope 1 |
Dicover health | cope 2 |
Human anatomy | cope 1 |
Diseases of the breast | cope 1 |
Advanced nurses practice | cope 1 |
Fertilization | cope 1 |
Dispensa cardiologia | cope 1 |
Fakte shendetesore parandalimi I HIV | cope 1 |
Parandalimi I dhunes dhe lendimeve | cope 1 |
Traumatologjia lokomotore | cope 1 |
Abstinenca | cope 1 |
Shendeti emocional dhe mendor | cope 1 |
Duhani | cope 1 |
Alkooli dhe drogat e tjera | cope 1 |
Ushqimi dhe aktiviteti fizik | cope 1 |
Cranial and spinal magnetic | cope 1 |
Biology | cope 1 |
Assessing alchool problems | cope 1 |
Diseases of liver | cope 1 |
Biology | cope 1 |
Atlas of sexual trasmeted diseases | cope 1 |
Drug society and behavoir | cope 1 |
Medical surgical nursing | cope 1 |
Medical surgical nursing | cope 1 |
Ultrasonography in obstetric and ginechology | cope 1 |
Vascular surgery | cope 1 |
Microbiology | cope 1 |
Maternal and child health nursing | cope 1 |
Global issues | cope 1 |
Radiology of small intestine | cope 1 |
Biology | cope 1 |
Biology | cope 1 |
Anatomy physiology | cope 3 |
Genetic | cope 1 |
The cell | cope 1 |
Principles of genetics | cope 1 |
Biology | cope 2 |
Medical genetics | cope 1 |
Heart diseases | cope 1 |
Evolution deceit | cope 1 |
Mcat physic | cope 2 |
Mcat organic chemistry | cope 9 |
Electrocardiography | cope 1 |
Nutrition | cope 1 |
Medical filing | cope 1 |
Emergency nursing | cope 1 |
Genetics | cope 1 |
Anatomy and physiology | cope 1 |
Atlas of the brain | cope 1 |
MRI of the musculosceletal system | cope 1 |
Clinical management of hypertension | cope 1 |
Clinical oncology | cope 1 |
Respiratory medicine | cope 1 |
Local anethtesia | cope 1 |
Atlas of film-screen of mamography | cope 1 |
Clinical chemistry | cope 1 |
Pathways of the pulp | cope 1 |
Principles and practice of panoramic radiology | cope 1 |
Primary care | cope 1 |
Anatomy | cope 1 |
Imunology | cope 1 |
Medical assisting | cope 1 |
Principles of genitourinary | cope 1 |
Practical pediatric radiology | cope 1 |
Comprehensive textbook of genitourinary oncology | cope 1 |
Respiratory medicine | cope 1 |
Physical medicine and reabilitation | cope 1 |
Human anatomy | cope 1 |
Textbook of surgery | cope 1 |
Alla ricerca dell arte di guarire | cope 1 |
Human phisiology | cope 1 |
Physical examination | cope 1 |
Physiology | cope 1 |
Dreamwaver | cope 1 |
Personality phsicology | cope 1 |
Human development | cope 1 |
Political science and politic | cope 1 |
Color line | cope 2 |
Close encounters | cope 1 |
Borzoi handbook | cope 1 |
Adolescent substances abuse | cope 1 |
The family | cope 3 |
Phsycology | cope 1 |
Art fundamentals | cope 1 |
The family | cope 8 |
Drug society and behaviour | cope 2 |
Child growth and development | cope 1 |
Human development | cope 1 |
Color line | cope 2 |
The new humanities reader | cope 1 |
Thinking criticaly about athical issues | cope 3 |
The genesis effect | cope 1 |
Foundation of meaningful education assessment | cope 1 |
Ethics and professional responsibility | cope 1 |
Personality phsicology | cope 1 |
The family | cope 5 |
A global reader sociology | cope 1 |
Writing as revision | cope 1 |
Biological phsycology | cope 1 |
Looking out looking in | cope 1 |
Human communication | cope 2 |
Educating exeptional children | cope 1 |
Sociological theory in classical era | cope 1 |
Competent communication | cope 1 |
Classic reading in sociology | cope 1 |
Social problems | cope 1 |
Annual review of genetic | cope 1 |
Sporen van het pardijes | cope 1 |
Talking sides childhood and society | cope 1 |
Talking sides 20-century american history | cope 1 |
The elements of bioethics | cope 1 |
Phsicology | cope 1 |
Essential of phsycology | cope 2 |
Sociology | cope 2 |
The sociology students writters manual | cope 1 |
The mind of man | cope 1 |
Focus | cope 2 |
Taking sides science technology and society | cope 1 |
Comunicating with strangers | cope 1 |
The structure of argument | cope 1 |
Cultures | cope 1 |
Social learning theory | cope 1 |
Everyday creative writing | cope 1 |
The easy connection | cope 1 |
Macroeconomic | cope 5 |
Basic statistic | cope 1 |
Elementary statistic | cope 1 |
Fundamental financial accounting | cope 1 |
Basic statistic | cope 2 |
Principes of economics | cope 1 |
Fundamental financial accounting | cope 1 |
Data communication and computer networks | cope 1 |
Foundaments of media effects | cope 1 |
Macroeconomia | cope 1 |
Economics of social issues | cope 1 |
Statistic for bussines and economics | cope 1 |
Statistic and dynamics | cope 1 |
Macroeconomy today | cope 1 |
Foundamental of financial accounting | cope 1 |
Physics | cope 1 |
Essential of marketing | cope 3 |
Introduction to masscommunication | cope 1 |
Bussines society | cope 1 |
Talking sides social phsycology | cope 1 |
Talking sides family and personal relationships | cope 1 |
Foundamental of financial accounting | cope 1 |
Physics | cope 1 |
Financial and managerial according | cope 2 |
Essential of marketing | cope 3 |
Consumer behaviour and marketing strategy | cope 1 |
Introduction to masscommunication | cope 1 |
Bussines statistic | cope 2 |
Marketing | cope 1 |
Foundamental of selling | cope 1 |
Bussines statistic | cope 1 |
California mathematics | cope 1 |
Microeconomy today | cope 2 |
Economics | cope 1 |
Intoduction of masscommunication | cope 8 |
Bussines statistic | cope 2 |
Bussines and society | cope 1 |
Exercises in phsicological testing and assesments | cope 1 |
Points and counterprints | cope 1 |
Getting ready to negociate | cope 1 |
Foundamental of media effects | cope 9 |
Enterpreneurship | cope 5 |
Introduction to masscommunication | cope 7 |
Technological a culture of war | cope 1 |
The harper american literature | cope 1 |
Temoprary management | cope 1 |
Marketing | cope 1 |
Financial and management | cope 1 |
Algebra | cope 9 |
Bussiness statistic | cope 1 |
Basic statistic | cope 1 |
Management | cope 1 |
Basic statistic | cope 1 |
Foundamental financial accounting | cope 2 |
Legal regulatory | cope 1 |
Statistic and dynamics | cope 1 |
Case studies in finance | cope 1 |
Economics | cope 1 |
Corporate finance | cope 1 |
Macroeconomics | cope 1 |
The practic of social research | cope 1 |
Financing | cope 1 |
International law | cope 1 |
Health and illnes | cope 3 |
Genetics | cope 1 |
Fundamentals of paralegalism | cope 2 |
Marketing | cope 1 |
The founding fathers on leadership | cope 1 |
Psychiatry | cope 1 |
Congressional procedures and the policy process | cope 1 |
Molecular biology | cope 7 |
Dogmas and sreams | cope 3 |
Monittoring heart rhythm | cope 7 |
Introduction to e-comerce | cope 13 |
Discover health | cope 5 |
Writing and analysing in the low | cope 1 |
Human sexuality | cope 10 |
Internet business models | cope 1 |
Development world | cope 1 |
Economics | cope 10 |
Medical assisting | cope 2 |
Teachers and the law | cope 2 |
Clinical procedures | cope 1 |
Advanced strategies | cope 3 |
Legal writing and other lawyering skills | cope 2 |
Thermodinamics | cope 1 |
Workbook study guide | cope16 |
Exercises in psychological testing and assessment | cope 6 |
Economics colander | cope 5 |
The medieval economy and society | cope 1 |
Elements of x-ray difraction | cope 1 |
Applications in basic marketing | cope 4 |
Essential of marketing | cope 4 |
Macroeconomics | cope 3 |
Marketing | cope10 |
Focus on human biology | cope 1 |
Practicing ecg | cope 2 |
Essential of psychology | cope 2 |
The play of power | cope 1 |
Student study guide solution manual | cope 3 |
The sociology of health and illness | cope 1 |
Fundamental financial accounting concepts | cope10 |
Biology dimenssion of life | cope 5 |
Harley davidson inc | cope 2 |
Gentetics analysis of genes and genomes | cope 2 |
Landry’s redefining entertaiment | cope 1 |
Introduction to mass comunication | cope 4 |
International law | cope 1 |
The macroeconomy today | cope 2 |
Economics principles and applications | cope 2 |
Farmakologjia mjekesore | cope 1 |
Concept of genetics | cope 1 |
The macroeconomy today | cope 1 |
Consumer behaviour | cope 4 |
Democratization liberatization and human righs in third world | cope 3 |
The macroeconomy today | cope 1 |
Passaport | cope 1 |
Statistics for the behavioral sciences | cope 2 |
Armageddon averted | cope 1 |
The legal encorcement of morality | cope 1 |
Understanding your health | cope 1 |
Macroeconomics/microeconomics | cope 1 |
Taking sides | cope 1 |
International business | cope 1 |
Economia del settore pubblico | cope 1 |
Using computers in the law office | cope 1 |
Cost control | cope 1 |
Intellectual propert in the new technological age | cope 1 |
Human biology | cope 1 |
Essential of genetics | cope 1 |
Cell and molecular biology | cope 1 |
Cell and molecular biology | cope 1 |
Families apart | cope 1 |
Hymns and songs for church | cope 1 |
Pathology | cope 1 |
Conceptual foundations of professional nursing practice | cope 1 |
Tamoxifen for the treatment and prevention of breast cancer | cope 1 |
Oncology nursing | cope 1 |
Words to live by | cope 1 |
English petry and prose of the romantic movement | cope 1 |
The practice of cardiology | cope 1 |
Classic romantic and modern | cope 1 |
Themes from isaiah | cope 1 |
Elements of a sociological theory of religion | cope 1 |
Your place is in this world | cope 1 |
American negro folktales | cope 1 |
A summons to memhis | cope 1 |
The blessed encharist | cope 1 |
The life and work of sigmund freud | cope 1 |
The sea-wolf | cope 1 |
The ape who guards the balance | cope 1 |
The religious man | cope 1 |
The birth of communist in china | cope 1 |
Edgar cayce on atlantis | cope 1 |
Life 101 everything we wish we had learnd about life in school but we did not | cope 1 |
Al capone does my shirts | cope 1 |
The path of light | cope 1 |
The go-getter | cope 1 |
Buffalo | cope 1 |
The cuntinuin silence of a poet | cope 1 |
The sound and the fury | cope 1 |
Guide to american literature | cope 1 |
The trying out of the Moby | cope 1 |
Alexander pope petry and prose | cope 1 |
She stops to conquer | cope 1 |
The cruical decade | cope 1 |
Sisterhood of spies | cope 1 |
A modern instance | cope 1 |
Voltaire candide | cope 1 |
Invisible man | cope 1 |
By the rivers of babylon | cope 1 |
The sicilian | cope 1 |
Kandinsky | cope 1 |
La morte d”arthur | cope 1 |
Three junes | cope 1 |
Murder in the white house | cope 1 |
o.r | cope 1 |
The golden bowl | cope 1 |
Overcoming the fear of death | cope 1 |
Cash out | cope 1 |
Camille and other place | cope 1 |
The hiding place | cope 1 |
Touched by the fire | cope 1 |
The american worker | cope 1 |
Debbie a good yarn | cope 1 |
The amplified new testament | cope 1 |
Daily life in the time of jesus | cope 1 |
The catcher in the rye | cope 1 |
Honor among thieves | cope 1 |
Correct puncuation | cope 1 |
The savior for sinners | cope 1 |
Political and social history of usa | cope 1 |
Wildernest medical society | cope 1 |
The antitrust paradox | cope 1 |
A modern instance | cope 1 |
The revengers tragedy | cope 1 |
Science and emergence of modern america | cope 1 |
Medical communication | cope 1 |
Studying adult life and work lessons | cope 1 |
Understanding unger in the church | cope 1 |
Faith and phylosophy | cope 1 |
Genesis in space and time | cope 1 |
Research in phenomenology | cope 1 |
Metodism in american history | cope 1 |
The theatre experience | cope 1 |
Biological foundation of human behaviour | cope 1 |
Human biology | cope 1 |
Principles of internal medicine | cope 1 |
Chardiolog clinics | cope 2 |
Cardiopulmonary critical care | cope 1 |
Gastrointestinal anatomy | cope 1 |
Heart and circularity system | cope 1 |
Family in transition | cope 1 |
Sociology | cope 9 |
Study guide and map supplement | cope 2 |
Human development | cope 3 |
Anthroplogy | cope 1 |
Juvenile delinquency | cope 1 |
Marriage and family | cope 2 |
Enterpreneurship | cope 6 |
Rapid interpretations of EKGS | cope 1 |
Before the second wave | cope 1 |
Sociology | cope 1 |
Anthroplogy | cope 1 |
The hunted house | cope 1 |
The vietnam war in american imagination | cope 1 |
The etruscans | cope 1 |
The regim of napolen 3 | cope 1 |
How the other half lives | cope 1 |
Gyo lafleur | cope 1 |
Fascist italy | cope 1 |
The java ees tutorial | cope 1 |
Culture counts | cope 1 |
Maternal fetal medicine | cope 1 |
Healthier at home | cope 1 |
The power of vision | cope 1 |
Public policy evolution | cope 1 |
Poverty politics and health care | cope 1 |
Principal of international politics | cope 1 |
Three cups of tea | cope 1 |
Medical mysteries | cope 1 |
The organic chem lab | cope 1 |
Physical medicine and reabilitation | cope 1 |
Brands and branding | cope 1 |
Medical dictionary | cope 1 |
European and comparative government | cope 1 |
Taking sides world history | cope 1 |
Diagnosis of bone and joint disorders | cope 1 |
Landmarkers in humanity | cope 5 |
How to understand the bible | cope 1 |
Rebels against slavery | cope 1 |
Year of impossibles good byes | cope 1 |
Yazoo | cope 1 |
How to study the bible for yourself | cope 1 |
Conversation with the crucified | cope 1 |
Dictionary of nursing | cope 1 |
Teaching series | cope 1 |
Shendeti riprodhues dhe parandalimi i shtatzanise | cope 1 |
History of the peloponnesian war | cope 1 |
Is the homosexual my neighbour | cope 1 |
Secrets of eden | cope 1 |
The great crash | cope 1 |
The nature of adolescence | cope 1 |
Betty sweet tell all | cope 1 |
Physicians | cope 1 |
And of life care | cope 1 |
Hope | cope 1 |
Good morning lords | cope 1 |
The bible in dialog with modern man | cope 1 |
Savanah breeze | cope 1 |
The art of war | cope 1 |
Industry and government in france and england | cope 1 |
Introducting old testament theology | cope 1 |
Faith of our fathers | cope 1 |
Hipocratic writing | cope 1 |
The new pocket regret’s thesarus | cope 1 |
Daily guideposts | cope 1 |
The atlantic dialogue | cope 1 |
Social phsicology in cross cultural perspective | cope 1 |
Glycemic load diet\ | cope 1\ |
American new democracy | cope 1 |
Taking sides educational issues | cope 3 |
From the shadows | cope 1 |
Drug calculation | cope 1 |
Diseases of the skin | cope 1 |
Anne of the green gables | cope 1 |
Fellow teachers | cope 1 |
The anchor anthology of 17 shek | cope 1 |
American sociological review | cope 1 |
Scructured computer organization | cope 1 |
Everyday life in south asia | cope 1 |
Liber arab | cope 1 |
Michelle akers | cope 1 |
Judaism | cope 1 |
Biologjia | cope 1 |
Fiziologjia e njeriut | cope 4 |
Semundje infektive | cope 2 |
Kirurgjia dhe kujdesi infermieror | cope 7 |
The lugbara of uganda | cope 1 |
Feminist frontiers | cope 1 |
Essential readings in world politics | cope 1 |
The nectar of devotion | cope 1 |
Aqui y ahora | cope 1 |
Existencial phenomenology and political theory | cope 1 |
The essential lippmann | cope 1 |
Good living | cope 1 |
The memoris of gluckel of hamel | cope 1 |
Richeliew and the french monarchy | cope 1 |
Applied anthropology | cope 1 |
The source | cope 1 |
Digrace | cope 1 |
Trump | cope 1 |
Law school | cope 1 |
Phonics | cope 1 |
New world prehistory | cope 1 |
The science of the mind | cope 1 |
Readers digest condesed books | cope 1 |
Human communication | cope 1 |
Understanding and apply medical anthropology | cope 3 |
In the slogun’s shadow | cope 1 |
Communication | cope 4 |
Strategjia e bankes se Shqiperise | cope 6 |
Bank of albania | cope 2 |
Anatomia | cope 1 |
Everything resume book | cope 1 |
Humanity | cope 1 |
The new potters companion | cope 2 |
Psychiatry | cope 1 |
Theories of personality | cope 1 |
Childhood and adolescence | cope 1 |
The theater experience | cope 1 |
The new home medical encyclopedia | cope 1 |
Self care advisor | cope 1 |
Preventing youth violence | cope 1 |
Chines system of food cure | cope 1 |
Social inequality | cope 1 |
Sacred writing | cope 1 |
Overseas research | cope 1 |
The renaissance and reformation | cope 1 |
When calls the heart | cope 1 |
Layman’s bible books | cope 1 |
The quilters\managing your child’s | cope 1 |
The one minute manager | cope 1 |
Understanding criminal procedure | cope 1 |
The saint luke\dialog | cope 1 |
Macromedia fireworks | cope 1 |
Color line | cope 4 |
Renaissance society of america | cope 1 |
The eye of the storm | cope 1 |
What happened in history | cope 1 |
6 evolution of reproduction | cope 1 |
Kentucky almanac | cope 1 |
Reporting live | cope 1 |
A world of nations | cope 1 |
Explorations in reading and writing | cope 1 |
Faith and philosophy | cope 3 |
Aventurat e tom sojerit | cope 1 |
Soccer | cope 1 |
The guest for paradise | cope 1 |
Introduction bible | cope 1 |
Medicine recall | cope 1 |
The holy spirit today | cope 1 |
When someone dies | cope 1 |
A sensour vision | cope 1 |
Bazat e finances | cope 3 |
Statistika | cope 3 |
Parimet e marketingut | cope 3 |
Fjalor i termave te anatomise | cope 1 |
Menaxhimi i burimeve njerezore | cope3 |
Drejtim marketingu | cope 1 |
Drejtim marketingu praktike | cope 1 |
Kontabilitet financiar | cope 1 |
Menaxhim 1 | cope 1 |
Drejtim financiar 2 | cope 1 |
Esperienze d’impresa | cope 4 |
Esperienze d’impresa | cope 26 |
Sinergie | cope 2 |
Esperienze d’impresa | cope 12 |
Managerial economic and global corporation | cope 1 |
Il manager a tempo | cope 1 |
Razionalita e processi decisionali delle aziende pubbliche | cope 1 |
Marketing assicurativo | cope 1 |
La visione strategica dell’impresa | cope 1 |
Totali 932 libra
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