How to apply to study in “Reald” University College

The steps needed to be followed and the deadlines to register for the Bachelor cycle for the academic year 2018-2019 in Reald University College

Application is to be performed in the following link:

Applications may be conducted not only by the graduates of this academic year but also by the seniors who graduated years before.

Here are some practical steps on how to apply for studies in Reald University College.

Step 1: The graduates pay the fee in the offices of the Albanian Bank or in any other bank in the amount of 2000 lek (the bill may be downloaded in website
Step 2 – The graduates hand in the receipt of the payment in the teaching secretaries of the high school.
Step 3 – The graduates should apply in the web link:
Step 4 – The graduates may list up to 10 preferences but if you want to study with us you must list us the first choice and the program you desire to study.
Step 5 – The winning graduates may come to our premises in order to register for the degree they selected.

The acceptance criteria are published in the informative page of the Education Ministry:  U-Albania web site.

How to register in the selected degree in Reald University College?

  1. Students that register for the first time need to be present in the secretary with the following documentation:
  2. Document of identification (ID or passport)
    b. Notarised photocopy of the state Matura diploma with the grade report, or with another type of diploma or certificate obtained abroad, and which has been assessed from the Ministry of Education.
    c. Declaration presented in annex no. 3.

2.With transfer

  1. Document of identification (ID or passport)
    b. Notarised photocopy of the state Matura diploma with the grade report, or with another type of diploma or certificate obtained abroad, and which has been assessed from the Ministry of Education.
    c. Certificate of quitting the other institution + grade report
    d. Program of the study
  2. Second program
  3. Document of identification (ID or passport)
    b. Notarised photocopy of the state Matura diploma with the grade report, or with another type of diploma or certificate obtained abroad, and which has been assessed from the Ministry of Education.
    c. Notarised photocopy of Bachelor diploma together with the grade report


Why should I choose to study in Reald University College

The university communities are very important actors of the creation of human capital and the project of development.


  1. Reald University College has developed an action plan in order to increase the intelligence of the country, aiming a functional synergy between the economic increase and employment, knowledge and contemporary technology, the reform of the academic and professional programs. During the past academic year Reald University College successfully underwent the process of accreditation from the British Company. The college was accredited for a five year period from six years maximum.
  2. The Faculty of Economic Sciences and Medicine Sciences are part of the study in our college and are among the sectors that will change the near future in the area of health care, financial services and the agriculture.
  3. In order to inherit transmit the knowledge to the job market the college has opened two new two year programs “Dental Assistant” and “Administrative Assistant”. We aim to supply the market with professionals ready to enter in the job market. This programs accept students who do not have the criteria for the GPA of more than 6 to enter in a Bachelor university program.
  4. Reald University College offers a teaching process of a high level and respond to the time criteria, and forcefully contributes for the challenges that higher education, the Albanian society and the constant development of Albania has. In our college you will find the necessary infrastructure and a rich and healthy student life. The agreements that the college has with the Medicine University of Tirane, University of Vlore Ismail Qemali are indicators of the credibility of these institutions toward us.
  5. The REALD community is characterized by creative, passionate and analytical students. They have a boundless enthusiasm for learning and an ability to embrace the new. They love Reald college, one of the most intellectual colleges in the country. “Reald” education is characterized by the close interaction between students and academic staff in an atmosphere of shared academic concern and active learning. The opportunity to collaborate with curious and passionate students is one of the exceptional features of Reald’s academic experience. At “Reald”, students help each other and care for each other.
  6. Dear parents and students’ families, the expectations and sacrifices for your children’s education will find a safe partner at REALD University College. The cost of education for students coming from Vlora, Fier, Berat is lower than that required for studies at other universities at home and abroad. The cost of living, accommodation and transport are lower than those required when studying in other universities at home and abroad. In addition, REALD University College offers free medical care assistance to the families of its students in medical services such as Physiotherapy, Dentistry, etc. The education offered at REALD University College is the starting point of your professional development. We will work hard to contribute to your future by providing you with the right knowledge, values ​​and qualities to be the future professionals of change who will contribute to transforming the country, your country, our country.