Buletini Shkencor “Reald”

Multidisiplinary Scientific Journal

ISSN 2411-5592

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From now on, our scientific organization is a partner of the National H-index Ranking


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From now on, our scientific organization is a partner of the National H-index Ranking


Buletini Shkencor “Reald” is an online multidisciplinary scientific journal equipped with ISSN-e. The journal is run by the Scientific Research Center, Reald University College, Vlorë, Albania.
The magazine aims to publish researchers’ research in the fields of medicine, economics, law and management.
The journal publishes scientific works of the academic staff of “Reald” University College and other researchers, local and foreign. Manuscript preparation must be in full compliance with the journal’s Guidelines published on the official website www.unireald.edu.al.
The magazine is one blind review. The journal publishes articles in Albanian, Italian and English. For Albanian authors, the submission of the manuscript is made in the Albanian language and in one of the foreign languages.
The authors of the articles are fully legally responsible for the authorship of the prepared manuscripts. Buletini Shkencor “Reald” does not bear any legal responsibility in case of plagiarism or other proven violations.



PhD. Engjellushe Zenelaj

Reseach Center, Reald University College



Prof.As. Prof.Ludovico Sbordone

Dipartimento di Medicina e di Scienze della Salute, Universita di Molise


Prof.Asc. Mirko Perano

Dipartimento di Scienze Aziendali – Management & Innovation Systems/DISA-MIS, Universita di Salerno


Prof.Asc. Antonio Lanza

Dipartimento di Medicina, Chirurgia e Odontoiatria “Scuola Medica Salernitana”/DIPMED, University of Salerno


PhD.Ulvin Veizaj

Department of Law,University “Ismail Qemali” Vlora


PhD.Ilva Lamaj

Department of Education & Psychology, University “Ismail Qemali” Vlora


Prof. Asc. Enkelejd Mehilli

Vice Rector,University “Ismail Qemali” Vlora


Prof.Asc. Vitori Hasani

Faculty of Medicine Sciences, University “Ismail Qemali” Vlora


Prof.Asc. Adelina Raka

Department of Law, University “Ukshin Hoti”, Prizren


Prof. Asc. Alessandro Ruggiero

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale/DIIN, University of Salerno


Prof.Asc. Pietro Pietro Campiglia

Dipartimento di Farmacia/DIFARMA, University of Salerno


PhD.Rudina Lipi

Department of Finance, University “Ismail Qemali” Vlora


Dott. Cardiologo Giampaolo Perini

Cardiologo, Ospedale Di Villafranca


Author submission guidlines


 Download Regulation

 Download Regulation in Albanian

Editorial process (blind peer review)

·       After receiving the manuscripts from the Coordinator, the Editor-in-Chief makes a preliminary check for the fulfillment of the submission criteria of the paper, such as formatting according to the instructions, completing the references, establishes communication with the authors for any further clarification and when there is a possibility of checking for plagiarism.

·       If the manuscript is not according to the guidelines, and the Editor-in-Chief finds deficiencies, he communicates with the responsible author, addressing the relevant notes, to complete the paper. Thereafter, the responsibility for editing the manuscript and resubmitting it rests with the authors.

·       The editor-in-chief, after getting acquainted with the manuscript that has passed the preliminary selection stage, addresses it according to the field of the manuscript in relation to the formation and the field covered by the editors/reviewers.

·       The Editor-in-Chief sends the manuscript to the Editor/Reviewer without the name and details of the authors.

·       After review, relevant notes, if any, for changes in the manuscript are forwarded to the author.

·       The Review/Editor completes the Review format for each article, which format is stored in the institution’s documentation file.

·       Ethics of Reviewers/Associate Editors

ü   Each manuscript is treated on the basis of the principles of confidentiality;

ü   Reviews should be done objectively and notes should be clearly worded

ü   Reviewers should inform the Editor-in-Chief of any substantial similarities between the manuscript under review and any other published work;

·       For each decision on the manuscript, the corresponding author(s) are notified.

·       BSHR bears no legal responsibility towards third parties for the materials submitted for publication, regarding their authorship or source. This is ensured through the declaration made by the author(s) after receiving the confirmation for publication, making them the only ones responsible.

The handling of any kind of possible conflict about the authorship and authenticity of the published articles is resolved between the parties without involving the institution or structure of BSHR


·       After receiving the notification of the Decision taken by the Scientific Board to accept the article for publication in the Bulletin, the representative author or all the authors together must express their agreement through the Declaration.

·       The statement is sent by email from the editor and after it is signed by the representative author or authors, it is sent by email to the editorial office.

Article Review Format

 Download Article Review Format


The average time during which the preliminary assessment of manuscripts is conducted : 3 days

The average time during which the reviews of manuscripts are conducted: 10 days

The average time in which the article is published : 15 days 






This journal follows ISO 9001 management standard and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License



Declaration of Author

 Download Declaration of Author


Revista ju jep të drejtë autorëve që pas publikimi të artikujve në revistë, ata kanë të drejtë që të shpërndajnë linkun e revistes ose artikullin e botuar në profilet e tyre pranë platforma të tilla si research gate, web of sciences, academia.edu, google schoolar, apo platforma të tjera të ngjashme. Artikulli mund te ngarkohet dhe shfaqet kudo , por vetem si pdf e marrë nga faqa e revistës, pra asnjë ndryshim nga formati  publikuar.


The journal gives the right to the authors that after the publication of the articles in the journal, they have the right to share the link of the journal, or upload the article published in the journal to their profiles, in platforms such as research gate, web of sciences, academia.edu, google schoolar, or other similar platforms. The article can be added anywhere, but only as a pdf taken from the journal’s website.


La rivista dà diritto agli autori che dopo la pubblicazione degli articoli sulla rivista, hanno il diritto di condividere il link della rivista, o caricare l’articolo pubblicato sulla rivista sui propri profili, presso piattaforme come Research Gate, web of sciences, academia.edu, google schoolar o altre piattaforme simili. L’articolo può essere aggiunto ovunque, ma solo in formato pdf prelevato dal sito della rivista.



·       There is no cost to authors for articles that are accepted for publication.

·       Authors who want to be provided with Hard Copy must make a prior request and pay a fee which is only the cost of printing and the fee is 50 Euro.



Journal Contact 

Chief Editor,  Dr. Engjellushe Zenelaj , engjellushe.zenelaj@unireald.edu.al
Journal Coordinator, MSc.Liljana Besimaj,  buletini@unireald.edu.al
Editorial Office Assistant & web design: Ing.Kevin Beqiri, buletini@unireald.edu.al
Kolegji Universitar Reald/University College Reald
Rruga “Zahir Pajaziti”, Vlorë, Albania
Tel: (+355) 6820-32298,

Kolegji Universitar Reald/Reald University College
Address: Rruga “Zahir Pajaziti”, Vlorë, Albania
Tel: (+355) 6820-32298
E-mail: buletini@unireald.edu.al
Web: www.unireald.edu.al

Buletini Shkencor Reald: is a multidisciplinary, open access journal devoted to addressing important challenges concerning the medical sciences and social economic sciences. The journal publishes two numbers per year, in the month of December. One number is for medical sciences, and the other number is for social and economic sciences

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License