History of UNIREALD
The Academy of Applied Studies “REALD” (hereinafter ASAR) was licensed by Decision no. 650, dated 14.09.2011, of the Council of Ministers. According to this decision, the Academy of Applied Studies “REALD” is organized in two faculties: Faculty of Humanities and Faculty of Medical Sciences with study programs:
“Bachelor” in “Finance”.
“Bachelor” in “Management”.
“Bachelor” in “Marketing”.
“Bachelor” in “Nursing”.
“Master of Science” in “Dentistry”.
“Master of Science” in “Pharmacy”.
By Order no. 336, dated 13.8.2012, of the Minister of Education, ASAR is allowed to open studies in the program:
“Bachelor” in “Physiotherapy”
“Professional Master” in “Nursing Management”.
By Order no. 147, dated 31.03.2017, of the Minister of Education and Sports, the new statute was approved and the name of the institution was changed by ASAR, in the University College “Reald”.
In the academic year 2018 – 2019, RWC has opened 5 (five) new programs, of which one program of the first cycle of studies “Bachelor” in “Laboratory technician in medicine”, two programs of the second cycle master, from which a study program “Professional Master” in “Physiotherapy” and a study program “Master of Science” in “Finance and Financial Markets”, as well as 2 (two) programs of professional character, namely “Administrative Assistant” at the Faculty of Humanities , and “Dental Assistant” at the Faculty of Medical Sciences. These programs are licensed by MASR with the following orders:
Order no. 422, dated 16.07.2018, “On the opening of the study program of the first cycle of studies” Bachelor “in” Laboratory technician in medicine “, in K.U” Reald “.
Order no. 421, dated 16.07.2018, for the opening in the University College “Reald”, of the study program with professional character in “Administrative Assistant”.
Order no. 391, dated 10.07.2018, for the opening in the University College “Reald”, of the study program with professional character in “Dental Assistant”.
Order no. 449, dated 25.07.2018, “On the opening of the study program of the second cycle of studies” Professional Master “in” Physiotherapy “, at the University College” Reald “.
Order no. 420, dated 16.07.2018, “On the opening of the study program of the second cycle of studies” Master of Science “in” Finance and Financial Markets “, at the University College” Reald “.
Also, from MASR are reorganized some study programs, in joint study programs with Universita degli Studi di Foggia / Italy. These reshuffles have been done
Order no. 457, dated 27.07.2018, “On the reorganization of the integrated study program of the second cycle” Master of Science “in” Dentistry and Prosthodontics “, at the University College” Reald “.
Order no. 463, dated 27.07.2018, “On the reorganization of the study program of the first cycle of studies” Bachelor “in” Nursing “, at the University College” Reald “.
Order no. 464, dated 27.07.2018, “On the reorganization of the study program of the first cycle of studies” Bachelor “in” Physiotherapy “, at the University College” Reald “.
RWC operates in accordance with applicable law and the regulatory framework issued by the Ministry of Education. Part of the regulatory framework for the functioning of the College are also internal documents (statute, regulations, instructions) approved by the relevant decision-making structures (Board, Academic Senate).
RWC represents a private higher education institution that based on the strategy of the institution offers full-time study programs in the first and second cycle.
The studies in the first cycle last three academic years and are completed with 180 ECTS. Respecting the requirements of the Bologna Charter, these studies aim to equip students with basic knowledge on general scientific methods and principles and specific practical skills through the performance of professional internships. At the end of the first cycle programs, a “Bachelor” degree is issued in the respective field.
The integrated program of the second cycle “Master of Science” in “Famaci” has a normal duration of 5 academic years, with 300 credits (ECTS). Professional Master Program in “Nursing Management” 1 (one) academic year, with 60 credits (ECTS).
While the integrated program of the second cycle “Master of Science” in “Dentistry and Dental Prosthesis” has a normal duration of 6 academic years (12 semesters), with 360 credits (ECTS).
Also, RWC organizes 2 (two) year study programs, in professional programs in “Administrative Assistant” and “Dental Assistance”, with 120 credits (ECTS) each.
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