2015,Vol. 1,Issue 1

Zhurmat-një agresivitet në rritje ndaj shëndetit të njeriut

Prof. Dr. Spiro Caushi, Petraq Truja

Noises are unpleasant, annoying and distracting sounds. Most kind of noises are produced by vibrating objects that send out irregular vibrations at irregular intervals. Natural events and many machines, such as automobiles, buses, trains, industries, even musical instruments, create noise. A sound is unwanted if it is annoying or damages hearing mechanism or if it is troubling a person. Noise components are frequency (number of object vibrations each second), the loudness (related to amount of energy flowing in sound waves), noise spectrum (the number and the strength of sounds components in the noise) etc. These components determine the trouble of the noise. Persons exposed to a loud noise for a long period may suffer temporary or permanent loss of hearing or they can cause fatigue, headaches, irritability, nausea, hypertension, ecc. So governments must take necessary steps to control noise pollution. They must conduct and support researches that lead to a better understanding of the noise pollution as one of most serious problems facing humanity today. In this framework, Department of physics of University of Vlora carried out the Project “To determine the level of acoustic pollution in public institutions and surroundings of Vlora, Fieri and Gjirokastra prefectures areas and to recommend the measures to reduce or eliminate it”. In following there are some measurements for Vlora city for a week.