2016,Vol. 2,Issue 1
Korrupsioni, ndikimi dhe efektet e tij në ekonominë shqiptare
Msc. Arlinda Dalipaj
Corruption, which is described as the use of public power for individual purposes is a very complex concept. It is a feature of societies and countries. Recent years, it is regarded as a phenomenon and a disease present in developing countries and developed. Based on a report by Transparency International – ‗Corruption is one of the biggest challenges of the contemporary world. “It defines good governance leads to an allocation inefficient resource disrupts the private and public sectors and affects often to the poor. “Factors social, political and institutional framework play a major role in economic development and growth in developing countries and in developed ones. Corruption, which is a symptom of deep institutional weaknesses is one of the factors responsible for the fall in investment and spending (education and health), income inequality increases, reduces foreign direct investment and resource allocation corruption poses a threat to a country’s economic growth after the decrease of efficiency in the private sector and public. He is one of the most important factors influencing the reduction of economic growth in many countries.