2016,Vol. 2,Issue 1

Trafikimi i personave është skllavëria e kohëve moderne. Lidhja mes dhunës dhe trafikimit


Msc. Stela Tanellari Caushi , Msc. Mariana Meshi Muslia
According to 2014 Trafficking in Person Report of the US State Department, Albania is a source and destination country for men, women, and children subjected to sex trafficking and forced labor. Albanian women and children are primarily subjected to sex trafficking within Albania, in neighboring countries (Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, and Greece), and in other European countries. Albanian and some foreign victims are subjected to forced labor in Albania, particularly in the tourism industry. An increasing number of Albanian children, often of Romani or Balkan Egyptian ethnicity, are subjected to forced begging and other forms of compelled labor in Albania and neighboring countries (Greece, Kosovo, Macedonia, and Montenegro). Some Albanian girls are subjected to sex trafficking or forced labor following arranged marriages. The majority of trafficking victims have suffered different forms of violence, exploitation, abuse or neglect, and a large proportion come from economically or socially marginalized communities. Trafficking of human beings indicates serious violations of human rights and cruel practices, and denies the fundamental right of girls, women and men to protection, survival, health and development. Trafficking experts widely concur that the sustainability of the reintegration process, and in particular the prevention of re-trafficking, is dependent upon adequate reintegration mechanisms for former victims. Without these reintegration mechanisms, the root causes of trafficking are not dealt with and victims (and their families) risk further exclusion and even re-trafficking. There are at least three points of vulnerability created by domestic violence that may be exploited and result in human trafficking:1) Domestic violence may act as a push factor that ultimately results in trafficking. The urgency of escape may enhance risk;2) Domestic violence may erode an individual’s self- esteem and self-confidence, thereby increasing vulnerability to traffickers;3) Domestic violence may force children’s absence from school at an early age, or lead to trouble in school or to the child’s engaging in other risky, dangerous or self-.