2016,Vol. 2,Issue 1

Mbrojtja e dëshmitarëve dhe rëndësia e tyre

Msc. Lorela Fakaj


Witnesses are an important element in most of the trials and consequently for the functioning of every judicial system. For this reason, it is necessary to ensure as much as possible for them to appear in court and give evidence and true. In Albania, as in many other countries, the emergence as a witness is a legal obligation. But it is not reasonable to force a person to appear as a witness if it would protect his life and safety. The obligation to appear as a witness should be balanced by the other side to the right of the witness protection of life and family, as stated in Articles 2 and 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights and with the general right to security of person and property. The witness is obliged to appear in court, to observe its orders and to answer truthfully questions asked.