2016,Vol. 2,Issue 1
Drejtuesi dhe roli i tij si menaxhues i punës në shkollë
Dr. Përparim Fakaj, Msc. Suela Fakaj, Msc. Julian Fakaj
In today’s conditions, when our society is experiencing important moments of development and progress of civil, economic, social and cultural school before being asked to request new solution, which it must meet in a qualitative manner. These requirements are met qualitatively not leaving the direction of the school at the chaos and chance, but by design and implement development plans of thought, to be the product of many stakeholders: teachers, students, the community, parents, local government, who are directly interested in the progress of its work. Management is one of the primary and most important elements. He is a managing yourself and others, who rightly considered art, where the leader is the creator and executor of this art. It is a philosophy, which requires all staff members feel equal among equals. To manage means to lead with authority in every situation, to delegate powers without compromising them, to communicate better and efficiently. Management assumes four important functions: planning, organization, management, control.