2016,Vol. 2,Issue 2
Roli i IHD-ve në zhvillimin ekonomik dhe në turizmin shqiptar
Msc. Arlinda Dalipaj
Tourism is seen as a mechanism to support and stimulate strategic economic development of a place. Tourism is a volatile industry. Demand for tourism may be affected by external factors and internal, political and climate Foreign direct investment in the economy of a country gives its effects not only on the technical structure of production, but also in the management and organization of the activity that it is a phenomenon. Tourism new and always changing, but is sure that the lines of future development of tourism are linked to a new culture, deep, able to carry the man to the recovery of the roots and identity and to make its relations with the natural environment, human and social, less unpredictable and more conscious and organized. An alternative tourism is ecotourism. Ecotourism is a model of sustainable development of tourism. The development of the tourism sector in Albania faces a number of challenges. These are challenges for the overall development of tourism, faced by all countries to enter international markets and specific challenges associated with creating successful tourism, destinations based on nature and culture. The study aims to provide recommendations for building a model for attracting HID’s in tourism based on the best practices of other countries.